Chapter 38 - Alexandria?

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We all get up and Aron gives us all directions to Alexandria. Sasha has ignored everyone after Rick told her what happened to Tyreese. We all drive for about only 20 minutes.  We pull up to this huge gate and steal walls all around. We get out of the vehicles and the gate opens. Three guys are standing their with guns, not pointed at us surprisingly. They make us give them our guns but we keep our knifes. I wasn't cool with it but I didn't wanna start anything especially since I was holding Judith. We walk slowly inside and I see kids playing around. People just walking and talking like how it used to be. Aron starts saying we have to all talk to Dianne before officially coming in. Aron showed us to our "houses" and explained so much I was just shocked. Everything he talked about, water, food, parties, just everything. We come up to these two huge houses that looked like mansions. We go inside one and look around. It was beautiful inside. Me and Carl were absolutely stunned by everything. Everyone was looking around as well and as Carl walked over to the sink he turned it on. Water came out. I look at it in amazement.

"Um Jessica and Carl right?" I hear Aron's voice from behind me. I turn around holding Judith as Carl walked up next to us.
"Yeah?" I asked
"Dianne wants to talk to you now."

"Both of us?" I asked
"First just you, then just Carl and Judith. Then you two together." He said

"Sounds complicated just to chat." I said.

"It's just how she wants it done. So if you don't mind." He said and I handed Carl Judith and left with Aron. He explained to me about how she was talking to everyone and not just us. Daryl already had his interview I guess you could call it and he was sitting cleaning an animal on the porch as we walked out of the house.

"You had to do that now?" I asked

"Yup." He said

"Please behave." I said messing with him. He scoffs and goes back to his dead raccoon.
We made it to her home and he let me inside.

"Please sit." She said kindly.

"Yeah sure." I said sitting down ok this chair.

"Mind if I record this?" She asked

"Go for it." I said looking around.

"So, tell me about yourself." She said sitting down on the couch in front of me.

"Well, I'm Daryl's sister." I start and she smiled

"I knew it." She said and I look at her confused

"Knew what?" I asked

"You too look so alike, and you act the same." She said

"You've seen me for like 2 minutes and you already assume we are the same?" I ask

"I'm good at reading people. Now Daryl, he's a bit of a challenge." She said

"Tell me about it." I said chucking at my own comment.

"Continue please."

"Well, this group is my family. And just so you know, no one messes with my family without getting their asses chewed up and spit out." I said serious

"Your strong. You know what it's like out there." She said

"I do. And I already know your people don't. You should teach them defense. How to survive out there." I said

"Why? We have this place." She said

"All good things come to an end. If you don't prepare these people for that they'll die. Every single one." I said with dead seriousness. She just starred at me and I started back.

"We stay together no matter what. And that's a fact." I said

"Can I go now?" I asked standing up

"Of course, you should shower, get comfortable." She said showing me to the door. The thought of a shower made me feel excited.

"Yes before you say something I did say shower. Now go back to Carl." She said and I turn around

"How did you know about me and Carl?" I asked

"I told you I'm good at reading people. Matter of fact, could you send him in here before your shower?" She asked and I nod heading back to he house. I see everyone inside. Ricks face is clean and I'm stunned.

"Haven't seen what's under their forever!" I joked

"Very funny. We're staying together for now. I still don't know if we can trust these people yet." Rick said and I nod.

"Carl, your turn." I said to him sitting on the ground playing with Judith.

"Ok." He said getting up kissing my cheek before leaving with Judith.

"Rick mind if I take a shower?" I asked

"Of course." He said and I go upstairs to one of the bathrooms. I get undressed and start the water. It hits me fast making me jump. I haven't been in s shower since The CDC as far as I could recall. The water hit my chest and I just stand their under the water. Letting it drip all the sweat, blood, guts, and dirt off of me. It felt so good to be able to see my actual skin color without blood and dirt over it. After my what felt like a forever shower I dry off and see a pair of clothes sitting on the sink. Their was a note.

Brought these for you..
- Michonne

I smile at the note and out the clothes on. Since it wasn't as cold out anymore I now had a just a plain black tank top, a new bra, army green jeans, and some black combat boots. I brushed my hair with the hairbrush inside one of the drawers. I realized how long it grew. Before this it was about shoulder length, now it's right on my chest. I brush it out which took forever with the hundred knots and the fact my hair is thick as fuck. After I finish wiping the fog off of the mirror I look at myself. I haven't actually looked at myself in a mirror for who knows how long. I started at my features close. I had eye bags from obvious reasons, my hair was longer, I had some acne but not too much surprisingly, and my eyes like I remember them being a deep ocean blue. After starring at them for a minute I notice how much I really do look like Daryl. I brush my teeth about five times trying to get them somewhat normal. I come out and see everyone sitting together in the living room. Carl was back and so I sat next to him.

"Where's Daryl?" I asked

"I made him go throw away that raccoon." Michonne said smiling.

"Thanks." I said sitting down. Carl wrapped his arm around my waist and then the door knocks. We all kinda jump but Rick answers it. It was Dianne.

"Rick I just.. Oh." She stops looking around at us.

"I see Jessica was right." She said looking at me.

"You guys do stick together. Even when you have two homes and a gated community behind you. Smart." She said and talks to Rick for a minute. She comes into the house a little bit more.

"I'll assign jobs tomorrow." She said

"Jobs? Like what?" I asked

"You'll see soon enough." She said leaving.

"Have a goon night." She said as Rick shut the door behind her. Daryl came in about 10 minutes later still looking dirty.

"You still didn't take a shower?" I asked as he sat on the bar of a window.

"Nope." He said

"Well your taking one tomorrow." I said and he scoffed looking away. It was pretty late and so we all went to bed. We laid on the ground and sat against the walls. There was no way we were separating until we were sure this place was safe. Or at least ok for now......

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