Chapter 13 - Time goes by Fast

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-2 weeks Later-
Rick's P.O.V
Jessica has been getting better. Healing and we have all been very quiet. This place is safe, no walkers, food, a doctor. I don't know what we're going to do when she gets better. We need this place. I know Hershel expects us to leave but I don't think we should, or can for that matter. Today Jessica and Carl are going to try walking around to get her up and moving again. I'm going to talk to Hershel while their out.
-2 hours later-
Carl went inside going to get Jessica and about ten minutes later they came out of the house. She had her arm around his shoulder and he helped her down the steps.
"Carl, I'm going to talk to Hershel." I said and he nodded helping Jessica.
"Oh Jess?"
"Yeah?" She asked looking up at me as did Carl.
"Could you tell Daryl if you see him I'm inside?"
"Sure." She said and they walk/limped off to wherever they were going to walk. I headed inside to see Hershel sitting in his kitchen eating lunch reading a newspaper.
"I don't mean to bother you during your lunch." I said standing by the table.
"But you will, what do you need Rick?"
"This place, it's safe. You've been shielded off from the real world. You don't know what it's like out their."
"Rick." I cut him off
"Please, don't send us back out their. We can help you! We can pull out own, it's getting colder outside and Jessica can still barley walk."
"I'm paying my debt Rick. And it's almost done."
"We can't go back out their!" I yelled and he was just frozen.
"Rick, I don't want to discuss this now. Please leave, Jessica and Carl should be back soon and she needs to rest." He said and I nodded but before I shut the door i said something just loud enough for him to here.
"Think about it, that's all I'm asking." I said and shut the door. As I headed down the steps Jessica and Carl were talking to Carol and Lori and I walked over to them.
"Jessica, Hershel wants you back inside to rest."
"Ugh ok." She said and her and Carl walked back inside.
"Daryl, Shane I need to talk to you for a minute." I said pretty loud since I couldn't see them and I figured they were around.
"What?" Daryl asked irritated coming out of his tent.
"We need to talk come with me." I said seeing Shane in the corner of my eye and they followed me to the side of the house.
"I talked to Hershel."
"About?" Daryl asked playing with his knife.
"About us staying here. We need this place. It's safe, food, water, shelter, away from all if that shit out there." I said looking ahead of the ranch.
"I know." Shane said. I could tell Daryl was still pissed at Shane for what he did to Jessica and I don't blame him but right now we need to figure this out.
"What do you suggest we do?" Shane asked rubbing his head
"Try to help out around here, show them we want to stay here and we will do whateve it takes." I said
"Ok." Daryl said and walked away and that left me and Shane. But before he walked away I stopped him.
"We need to talk." I said stopping him. He waited for me to speak so I did
"What the hell was that about?" I asked
"Why did you punch Jessica?" He was silent, I could tell he was thinking.
"Honestly man, I don't know." He replied and I knew he was bullshitting me.
"You don't know? What kind of bullshit answer is that man?" I asked and he looked down.
"Listen, Carl cares about Jessica, and I care about Carl. Jessica and Daryl are just as much family as you and Glenn and everyone else. So you need to be more careful about your actions man." I said and walked away as he just stood their.
(Ok guys I'm gust winging it so I'm not following the show, I'm trying to get everything in place so it all makes sense.)- Jessica

Glenn's P.O.V
After having sex with Maggie on the run and then going to the barn seeing the walkers it was really awkward between us. She didn't want to talk to me or even look at me for that matter. We got back and I ran over to Lori handing her what she asked for. (Pregnancy tests and abortion pills) I was really nervous she as pregnant but the worst part, it might not be Ricks. I notice Rick, Shane, and Daryl talking on the side of the house and Daryl leaves and then a little later so does Rick. 
"Hey." I said walking up to Rick wanting to tell him about the barn full of walkers but I just couldn't.
"You ok?" He asked because I was slightly shaking with nervousness
"Fine, how's Jessica?" I asked trying to change the subject
"She's doing well, went for a small walk to get her out of the house. She's getting their." He said and I nodded
"Where are we gonna go? You know after she's healed?"
"I don't know. I've been trying to talk to Hershel about letting us stay but right now I honestly don't know what's going to happen." He said and I nodded my head
"Ok." I said and walked away to the RV to talk to Dale.
"Dale can we walk?"
"Sure." He said and I sat in the RV with him as he was reading his book.
"If someone told you something and they wanted you to keep it a secret but you know you had to tell someone would you?" He raised his eyebrows putting the book down.
"Wanna tell me what's going on here?" He asked as I took a deep breath
"The-there's walkers in the barn." I said and he look shocked.
"Hershel thinks their sick and their will be a cure to get them back."
"Anything else?"
"Lori might be pregnant." His mouth dropped
"Don't say anything!" I said immediately and he nodded
"Ok ok fine, but you have to tell everyone sooner or later." He said and I nodded walking out of the RV.

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