Chapter 36 - Lost

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Me and Carl woke up to this loud ass noise coming from outside. A fire truck bursted through the front of the church. We all run outside from the back and Abraham jumps out.
"Get in there's a huge horde coming straight for us!" He yelled and we grabbed our things putting the food  in our bags running into the truck. We all hug Glenn and Maggie seeing them sitting their waiting. I look back and see the walkers coming, hundreds.
"Abraham step on it!" I yelled holding onto Judith and Carl was right next to me in the truck. We were all squished together as he drove away from the herd coming for us. He explained what happened along the way and how we should stay together or some shit like that. I wasn't paying attention because I was busy starring at Judith. I know it sounds weird but her and Carl have very similar features. They both have beautiful blue eyes which I find amazing since my eyes are a very deep blue as well. Me and Daryl both had the deep blue eyes like our mom. Merle had our dads eyes. Daryl used to tell me about how mom used to call Merle and dad twins because they were so alike and dad used to call Daryl and her twins. I wish I would have meet her but I do know what she looks like from pictures but that's it. After awhile I come out of though to Carl getting my attention.
"Jess." He called about three times before I shook my head.
"Hey sorry, just thinking." I said quietly seeing it was very quiet in the truck.
"It's ok, I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead." He smiled at me and I fake smile back.
"What was that?" He asked annoyed
"What?" I asked in confusion
"That fake smile." He said
"It wasn't fake." I said looking back down at Judith biting my bottom lip.
"Jessica." He said putting his hand to my cheek turning my head facing him.
"I'm fine Carl, honestly." I said and he kissed me lightly.
"Do you guys do that all the time? Dam." Kirsten said making a face at us. I chuckle to myself and nod.
"Yes we do." I say proudly. We drove for all day stopping twice for gas getting lucky those times. Suddenly the truck stopped, it was out of gas. We all start to walk as a huge group. It looks about 4 o'clock outside and we are all exhausted. Well all finally decide we can't walk anymore so we sit down on this dirt road together. Carl was holding Judith as Daryl walked over to us.
"Wanna go hunt with me?" He ask and I smile nodding. We haven't been hunting together in a while so I was happy.
"Be safe." Carl said
"I'll try." I said grabbing my crossbow off the ground. I honestly don't know how I haven't lost this thing but I'm glad I haven't. Me and Daryl walk for about 5 minutes when he speaks up.
"How many arrows you got?" He whispered
"Four." I reply
"Here." He said handing me two.
"Just incase." He said and I put them in the holder thing. I never did learn the names of the things I just used em.  He had about seven arrows so now he had five and I had six. I normally don't let him give me arrows but I wasn't complaining because my throat hurt like a bitch, I needed water. All of us did. I cough slightly covering my mouth as Daryl shot a squirrel.
"You ok?" He asked as my coughing got worse. After I finish I nod.
"I'm good we have to find water. Fast." I say and he nodded.
"Think there's a creek around here somewhere." He said putting the animal in his bag. We both only had two small squirrels and four together for the whole group. We started heading back after a half an hour or so because we didn't want them to worry. We got back and I see Sasha with her gun pouting at us and two dead dogs lying on the ground.
"Sorry." She said putting down the gun. Me and Daryl skin the animals and prepare them for the group. We all pass the meat around eating quietly. We had a few water bottles and some cans left but that's about it. After the dog we ate me and Daryl told the group about the creek. Glenn, Tara, Rosita, and Maggie went to check it out. They came back about and hour later with noting. It was getting late but not dark yet. We stared to walk again hoping to find some shelter. We walked for about another hour until Carl spoke up to me.
"If only it would rain." He said
"Yeah, it would be nice but that's not the way the world works these days." I said playing with the necklace he gave me.
"I though you lost that?" He said shocked
"I just kept it under my clothes. Didn't want others to see it for that time, until now." I said
"Oh ok." He said. We were all walking very slow. Dragging our feet along the dirt path. There was a small herd of about a dozen or so walkers up ahead.
"Rick." I said getting his attention aways from Judith who he was holding.
"We can't take em." I said
"We don't have too, just lead em away." He said and we waited for them to come closer. We all led them to the edge of this kinda cliff edge thing that led down a slope into the woods. I stabbed one while trying to push it away from me causing it to fall on me. It was dead but another pilled on top of me. He was chopping at my face just a few inches away. It's jaw hanging down from its face about to snap but it was soon pulled off of me. Daryl helped me up and I nod in thanks. He nods back and we all slowly keep walking. We came up to this circle of gallons of water with a note.

From a friend

It said and Eugene being his dumb ass picked one up about to drink it.
"What the hell is wrong with you you don't know who put this here!" Abraham yelled at him smacking the bottle out of his hands. Soon after we discussed what to do it started getting cloudy. Soon after a thunder struck happened causing me to jump. Suddenly after that rain poured down on all of us. We all smiled enjoy the rain. I noticed Daryl want there so I go around looking for him. I follow the faint and wet tracks to him sitting on the ground next to a tree putting a cigarette on his hand. He was crying. I've never seen him cry in front of anyone. I get into his view and I grab the cigarette and throw it on the ground. I sit next to him wiping away the hair out of his face dripping from the rain.
"It'll be ok Daryl." I said with tears forming in my eyes. We just sat their for a minute not saying anything. He had a burnt spot on his hand from the cigarette.
"Come on." He said standing.
"We can stay in that barn house over there. Seems safe and it'll keep us from getting more wet." He said as we walked back to the group. Carl came over with Judith in his hands and hugged me.
"You scared the shit outta me!" He said
"Sorry, I went to look for Daryl." I said moving my hair out of my face. We were all drenched until Daryl finally told the group about the house barn thing so we ran over to it. We made sure it was clear and went inside. It was a huge stable and had space for all of us. Rick and Michonne started a fire and we all ate the last cans we had that night. Everyone fell asleep with just me, Daryl, Carl, Rick, and Michonne awake. We sat by the fire and Carl was holding Judith drifting off slowly. Thunder shook the fragile barn we were in causing me to jump. I hated thunder storms, and could never sleep through em. Daryl used to stay with me till I fell asleep at night. Daryl noticed my jump and spoke
"Still scared of em?" He asked and I nod.
"Why don't you, Carl, and Judith go to bed? Y'all are dozing off and you haven't slept in a while." He said and without arguing I soon went over to a spot laying down. Carl not far behind me with Judith as we laid on the hard ground and put Judth between us. He took his hat off and moved it next to him. The ground was pretty hard but that want my concern at the moment. Lightning outside lit up the bar causing me to shiver. Thunder cam soon after it making me jump again. Carl grabbed my hand holding it and whispered something to me.
"It's ok Jess, just try to relax." He said and I nod slightly trying to sleep. We didn't say a word and just fell asleep soon after that.

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