Chapter 70 - Practice

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I woke up and the smell of eggs immediately went into my nose. Carl was still next to me so I guess it was my mom. I slip out of bed and head downstairs to see mom cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh good morning hon! I just figured since I haven't been in a real kitchen in so long I'd make breakfast!" She said putting eggs on a plate.

"Oh, thanks." I said. "But I have to get Ethan up, I'll be out in a minute." I said

"Alright." She said and I went into Ethan's room. He was wide awake, I'm guessing from my moms cooking smell. He loved eggs.

"Someone is ready for breakfast!" I smile at him holding on the edge of the crib using his arms for balance. He jumps but soon falls making me laugh. "Awh, did you fall?" I ask as he tries to get back up. I pick him up taking him out of the crib. I pull his bib out of the drawer I keep full of them putting one on him and into his chair. "Mom, could you put some eggs on his tray? I need to wake up Carl, we have a run today." I said.

"Does he need to be fed?" She asked

"No, he's like 10 months or something. He feeds himself, plus he loves eggs." I said and kissed his cheek before leaving.

"Alright hon." She said. I go upstairs and Carl is sitting in bed rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, you wanna go on a run today?" I asked

"Why today?" He asked

"Cause I already told my mom we were planning on going." I said

"Why?" He asked

"Cause I want to go out. And be alone, with you. Without my mother in the house." I said sitting next to him.

"Oh well even though we just had a honeymoon I'm sure that can be arranged." He said

"Good, now hurry up and get ready." I said standing up. We each get dressed and head back down stairs.

"Cool hat!" Mom said to Carl as we get downstairs.

"Thanks." He replied sitting down. We all had a plate of eggs and a glass of water. After a quiet breakfast I clean up Ethan as Carl does the dishes.

"You two work so well together! How long have you been married?" She asked

"Um, like a week and a half?" I say wiping his face.

"Wow. It took me and your father like two years to make a decent schedule when we had Merle." She said.

"Yeah, can we not talk about dad?" I say

"Sorry, its just crazy to see your daughter work so well with another man and act totally normal with the world outside." She said.

"Mom, this isn't normal. If you haven't noticed we carry guns and knifes everywhere. Go on runs all the time, hope we live to see tomorrow, this isn't normal." I say a little angry. I didn't mean to be it's just weird having someone live with Carl and I. We are so used to just working together and not being bothered. I guess I'm just a little uneasy with her and the baby to worry about.

"I'm sorry hon." She said.

"Yeah, well we gotta take Ethan to Tara. She's the medical back up here with another man named Heath since our doctor was killed." I said grabbing Ethan's diaper bag with Carl not far behind me.

"Oh well I'm a doctor." She said

"You are?" Me and Carl say together in confusion.

"Yes, Jason, well Neegan wanted me to become one incase he was ever hurt. He hated hospitals so if he ever had to go I could just help at home." She said. Me and Carl share a glance and look back at my mom.

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