Chapter 54 - We Need You.

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Jessica's P.O.V

Me and Carl got back from our crazy time out side the wall. We go over to Ricks house cause Eugene said that Rick told us to. We stop by the armory to drop off our guns. I kept the one in my back hidden and my knife I also got to keep. I drop off my crossbow back at our house and we head over. Carl knocks on the door and we wait. Michonne answers it with Judith in her arms.

"Hey Michonne, Judith." I smile at them and they smile back

"Hi Jessie!" Judith saids all happy.

"Carl!" Judith saids all excited. Ever since Ethan we haven't seen her much and she missed Carl especially.  She was three and a half I think so and talking was pretty normal for her. Michonne handed Carl Judith and we headed inside. Judith was holding onto Carl pretty tightly and I smiled at them together. I walk in to see Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Carol, Ethan, Abraham, Sasha, and Rosita.

"Where's Maggie?" I asked grabbing Ethan from Carol.

"Not feeling well, she's sleeping." Glenn said. I nod and sit on the couch with Carl and Judith. We were all in their living room. Everyone was avoiding my eye contact and I was getting annoyed.

"Well what's up since your all here it must be important." I said adjusting Ethan in my lap.

"Jessica, we need you to listen to someone." Michonne spoke.

"Who?" I asked

"Your not gonna like who so just stay calm." Rick said standing up. He walks out and comes back about 5 minutes later. He opens the door and I was getting nervous because I knew who it was. Shane. And Jesus. He came in with Rick and they stood in front of all of us.

"Those people we killed today." Rick starts off looking at me and Carl. I turn my head to Carl easing my eyebrows in confusion. 

"What about em?" I asked

"Shane and Jesus can tell you more." He finished sitting down.

"How the hell could you tell us about those guys? You know em?" I asked suddenly.

"Let me explain." Shane saids in his deep scratchy voice. He almost seemed scared to tell us but Jesus looked cool as a cucumber.

A/N: I didn't get to see the beginning of season 6 so I'm kinda making shit up. I honestly am kinda confused but I'm not. Just bare with me and go with it. I only got to see the last like 4 episodes,

"Me and Jesus actually have a group. The Hill Tops, he told you about, I'm with them. Those people you killed today were the wolves. They tried to hurt our group and we fought back. We won but barely. Now that you killed them we are thankful but we have a much bigger problem than them." Shane finished

"There is this group. Run by this guy. He's in charge basically of his own army. Neegan. They come to our camp every moth and take half of our supplies. Last time I was there which was about 2-3 weeks ago I know we are dangerously low on weapons and we have been for a while. And we need your help stopping them." Jesus finished

"Why should we help you?" I ask immediately

"Because if you do, I know your dangerously low on food as well. You help us get rid of Neegan we help you get more food." Jesus said

"But your low on weapons and need the people?" I ask

"Exactly. And I know this group can handle it." Shane said

"We need to go back to our group though. They should be going to collect their monthly soon and I have to be their." Jesus said

"Why?" I asked

"Because Gregory, our I guess you could say "leader" doesn't like to talk to them. Me and Shane have too." He said

"Why did you leave then Shane?" Carl suddenly asked

"I didn't want to. I had too. During the fight I was cornered. I either run or die and well I chose run. After finding Jesus again I knew we could get this to work. It would help both of our groups out." Shane finished.

"But it won't be easy. This group is tough. Smart. And will kill at any cost." Shane said

"Give us a minute to talk." Abraham spoke. Jesus and Shane went outside on the deck and waited.

"Are we going to help them?" Carol asked

"I think we should. We need the food." Michonne spoke.

"Hold up a dam minute." Daryl suddenly spoke

"Your saying you wanna help the sorry prick who jumped us, and you old buddy who tried to rape my little sister!? Your all fucking crazy." He yelled and I was shocked

"Daryl!" I yelled as everyone looked at me in shock.

"That's not important now. What is, is that we need food soon. Now look, I know these people are dangerous. But we can take em. We've handled people like Neegan before, and their dead. I don't see how this would be a big deal." I said

"Uh hello? You could get killed!?" Daryl yelled back

"But I won't! If I've survived this long then dam it what's stopping me from living my god dam life with more of someone's blood on my god dam hands!" I yell standing up. Everyone was shocked at my words as was I quite honestly. I leave the house passing Jesus and Shane not making eye contact. Carl follows behind me. I didn't even realize he still had Judith. I get inside our house and put Ethan in his play pen and run to my room. I sit on the bed and fold my hands over my face.

"I can't believe he just said that in front of Ethan and Judith." I said quietly knowing Carl was standing their.

"Jess, she doesn't even know what it means." Carl said sitting next to me. I felt a small hand on my head.

"It's ok Jessie." I heard Judith's small voice say and I look up with red eyes and manage a small smile at her. She smiles back and puts her hand on my cheek.

"Don't be sad, it's ok." She said again.

"Thanks Judy, now can I talk to Carl?" I asked

"Ugh ok fine." She said and Carl puts her down and she walked back to her house. She knew where she was going so I didn't go with her.

"Tell daddy we sent you back Judy!" Carl yelled to her

"Ok!" She called back.

"Wanna talk?" Carl asked

"No. I just didn't want her to see me cry anymore." I admit and he comes closer to me wrapping his arms around me pulling me in his lap.

"It's gonna be ok Jess. Well get through this together." He said rubbing my back softly. I had my face tucked into his neck as he held me.

"Who knew you could get engaged, almost get killed, and talk about  killing an army in one month." I sigh and Carl laughs at my comment.

"No kidding." He replies. We sit their for a minute together. Until their was a scream coming from outside. Me and Carl jump up and I run immediately to Ethan's room. I pick him up and me and Carl run outside. I have my gun in hand with Ethan on my side. Rick was standing in front of someone. I've never seen them before but no one moved.

"Rick?" The dark man asked looking at Rick. Everyone even me was waiting for answers to who this man was and how did he know Rick?

"Morgan?" Rick asked back.

A/N: yes I do know how they actually meet Morgan but I changed it up. Hope you liked this chapter!
~ Jessica 🎈😎💘

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