Chapter 37 - Who Is This?

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Daryl's P.O.V

After Jessica and Carl went over to this spot to lie down I see they finally both passed out. She was always scared of the rain as a kid and still is. I felt better knowing Carl was there with her so I stayed by the fire with Rick and Michonne.
"He really likes her." Rick said quietly
"I know, she likes him too." I said starting at them sleeping.
"You know what I mean Daryl. He REALLY likes her." He said
"I know Rick." I said back starting into the fire.
"Your ok with it?" He asked
"Rick I've known you and Carl for a long ass time now and I can tell he cares about her. She cares about him too. I'm glad they have each other for this shit hole of a world." I said
"Buuuut." Michonne spoke. I hesitated until I finally spoke up.

"It's just weird seeing them so close and knowing she has someone other than me that can protect her." I admit

"Daryl, Carl's not the only one. Neither are you. We're together on this always." He said and I nod slowly. We put out the fire and try to go to sleep.


Maggie's P.O.V

I woke up next to Glenn and everyone else slowly started to wake up. After everyone was up I decided to take a walk. Tara came along but I didn't mind. We talked for a little bit and she told me about her past. We really got closer as friends until we heard a noise coming so we pull our guns on this guy.

"Woah, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Aron." He said putting his hands up.
"What do you want?" I asked
"I'll explain everything just take me to Rick." He said and I was confused
"How do you know we have someone named Rick? And why do you wanna talk to him?" I ask
"Your gonna wanna trust me on this." He said and we head back not taking our eyes off of him. We check him for weapons only finding a flare gun.

"You have others out there?" I asked
"Maybe. I'll explain soon." He said and I was a little tempted to show him to the group. He started explaining his place, his home, and where he lived. Everything that seems like a dream now a days. We get back and I open the door.

"Guys this is Aron. Your gonna wanna hear what he has to say." I said and Rick walked up to him as Aron stool his hand out to shake Ricks. Rick did something so unexpected. He punched him in the face causing him to fall knocking him out.

Jessica's P.O.V

So Maggie came back and with this guy. He looked fairly well and not like he's in an apocalypse at all. Rick walked up to him and punched him. I handed Judith to Carl and ran up to him.
"What the hell was that!?" I yelled at Rick.

"We don't know who he is." He said
"Daryl get the rope." He said and Daryl gave it to Rick.

"Your just gonna tie him up? He honestly looks pathetic. What does he have to lose?" I said as they tied him to this wooden pole. We searched his bag finding pictures and food. We found these small jars of what looked like mush.
"Carl hand me that jar." I said as Judith had been fusing all day. She's hungry so I hoped it would be some sort of apple sauce of something. I open it and smell it.
"Rick, it's apple sauce." I said siping my finger inside it tasting the mush. I find a spoon in his bag and Carl hands me Judith. I start putting spoon fills of it in her mouth and she devours it spoon full by spoon full. This guy finally woke up telling us about his camp. About how their was an RV and car incase we were a large group, and we are. He said he's been watching us and that water on the road was for us. Rick didn't believe him but Michonne did. Glenn, Abraham, and Rosita went to check out if he was telling the truth about the RV being there and not some scam. It was true. They came back with a tone of food and water.

"This is ours now." Ricks said as we pulled it in a stack.
"Yes of course we have much more where that came from." This guy Aron said. I waned to trust him but I still felt nervous. After Terminus I don't think I could trust another group like mine. We make a plan to get back to Alexandria. His towns name. Rick is so stubborn we had to take the long way to get their. It was me, Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Aron, and Tyreese in the car. It was tight but be managed. We didn't leave until sun down. Why? Causes Ricks losing his fucking mind and thought it would be a trap. Carl was upset the had to stay with Judith in the RV but I made him. I took no chances of that. We started driving finally after it became dark. I kissed Carl bedtime getting in the right car. We ran into some trouble and we warned the others so they went another way. We got blocked off by walkers everywhere. Suddenly once we stopped the blood and guts filled car since it was stuck we got out and ran. Aron jumped out of the car running to a flare gun going off. Me and Glenn chased after him. After a little bit we caught up to him. We untied him and dragged him back to the car. The walkers were gone now but we had to hurry.
"YOU DUMB ASS ALMOST GOT US KILLED!" I yelled causing Rick and Daryl to come out with their guns at us.
"You ok?" He asked me.
"I'm good but this asshole almost got us killed." I said looking at Aron.
"He's in trouble we gotta go now!" Aron yelled getting back in the car.
"Wait where's Tyreese?" I asked getting in the car.

"He got bit while we were looking for you guys. It was so dark we couldn't see a dam thing. Put em outta his misery." Daryl said and I sunk in my chair.
"Sasha's gonna flip." I said

"I know now we have to go." Rick said staring the gas. After another 30 minutes of anxious driving we pull up to this huge ass building. I see the RV parked and then people run outside from the building. I jump out of the car seeing Carl standing their. We run into a hug as he pulls away.

"What the hell happened?" He asked looking at me covered in walker blood and guts.

"Shooter magavin in over here ran out of the car with walkers everywhere so we chased em down." I said and I notice he ran inside. He apparently had only one other guys with him. His husband. Apparently the flair was to get Aron's attention and he broke his ankle. Maggie and Carol helped him out. He made a deal with Rick that he could sleep next to him for the night. We all stayed in the front of the building trying to sleep. We took shifts guarding Aron and his guy just incase they tried something. I personally thought it was dumb as fuck because one of em's got a broken ankle, and the other could barely stand the sight of a walker. What the hell coils they do to a huge ass group like us? I took first watch because I was wide awake and couldn't sleep. Aron and his guy just talked until he spoke to me.
"You know the baby, she can have this." The guy said handing me a small blanket as Judith apparently started to fuss.
"Thanks." I said walking over to Judith with Carl grabbing the baby from next to him. I wrapped her in it a little rocking her as she cried slightly. I got her to calm down and I set her back down next to Carl. I see Daryl now standing by the door separating our room and theirs.

"Get some sleep. I got it." He said and I nod heading back over to Carl. I slid down the wall with my back against it. He woke up and rubbed his eyes.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I said putting Judith in my lap so she wouldn't lie on the ground.

"It's ok, I wasn't sleeping." He said. After a little bit of talking we fell asleep.

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