Chapter 26 - Healing Slowly

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After I left Carl's cell with Judith I headed down stairs to see everyone talking.
"How's the baby?" Daryl asked walking away from Merle.
"Judith is fine." I replied
"Carl named her." I said and everyone nodded hearing what I said
"How are you doing?" I asked Maggie who was sitting with Glenn still holding the baby.
"I'm better, but just having to go through it was the worst." She replied
"Hershel didn't do it? Or Carol?"
"I had to, Carol was helping Hershel with his leg and it was just me, Beth, and Lori." She replied and I felt bad for her. Carol was the one who practiced it and Maggie had to do it. I walked back over to Daryl and now Merle.
"Why the hell are you still holding that noise maker?" Merle asked and I wanted to punch him.
"Merle do us all a favor and shut the hell up. Everyone already hates you and it's bad enough we let you come back." I said trying to keep calm with the baby in my hands. I noticed Kirsten came up behind me talking my shoulder.
"Hey what's up?" I asked
"When are we gonna go on a run?" She asked
"Why are you asking me?" I asked
"Cause Glenn's with Maggie, I don't think Hershel knows what to do, Rick's losing his mind, sounds pretty explanatory to me." She replied
"Who said I'm not in charge now sugar?" Merle butt just as I notice Rick come in.
"Sugar? Oh I know you didn't just call me that!" Kirsten yelled back
"Shh, she's sleeping!" I whisper yelled at Kirsten.
"asshole." She said but before she turned around kicked Merle in the nuts causing him to fall to his knees and before he got up Rick hand cuffed him to this pole.
"What the hell man? Tryna take my other one too!?" Merle yelled at Rick walking away.
"Merle I swear to god if you don't shut the hell up I'll kick you myself." I threatened Merle and Daryl just stood their.
"Dam Jess." He said and I walked over to Beth giving her Judith to put in this make shift bed for her.
"You said do what I gotta do, and I did." I said walking past Daryl up to my cell. Before I walked in I went into Carl's cell. He was facing towards the wall but I could tell he wasn't sleeping.
"Hey, I'm going to sleep." I said standing at his door. I got no reply so I walked over to him, leaned over and kissed his cheek and whispered
"I love you." and left. I took off my bra and put on a more comfortable shirt and laid in my bed. It wasn't the most comfortable thing but it's a bed. I drifted off to sleep thinking about everything that happened today. Right as I was about to sleep I felt something on my cheek.
"I love you." Someone whispered lightly kissing my cheek and I smiled knowing it was Carl. I fell asleep.
Daryl's P.O.V
I woke up to Merle talking to Rick and Carol was holding Judith.
"Man shut up your so loud." I said walking by him
"I don't give a shit little brother." He said back
"Well unlike you some people had a rough week so just shut up." I said back and he stopped talking as Rick walked over to me.
"How's Carl?" He asked and I shrugged
"Hell if I would know. Kid hasn't come outta his room since we came back." I replied and Rick sighed
"Yeah, I just hope he's doing better than me."
"I'm sure Jess is helping him out. He's not alone Rick, neither are you." I said and walked away.

~4 months~
Jessica's P.O.V
The prison had become our home. We have crops, pigs, two horses, a water supply from a lake, life's good for now. Judith is getting bigger everyday and she's eating real food instead of formula because all the baby food we find is expired so we mash up food for her to eat it. Carl barley talks to anyone even me. Rick said he's seeing things of Lori but that's not my problem. Kirsten has gotten closer to me since everything happened with my dad. Ever since Carl stopped talking to really anyone and Kirsten's been there for me. Carols gotten stronger. We had an incident a few weeks ago and T got bit saving Carol and Daryl found her in a room. Michonne who was with my dad came here because she was tiered of him and I don't blame her. Me and Beth have been trading places during the day watching Judith. Hershel is pretty fast on his crutches now, Merle has just been a total asshole. We keep him locked in a room so he doesn't do anything to anyone or try to leave back to dad. Rick thinks we should get rid of him and so do I but Daryl refuses. Daryl thinks we need to keep him cause he's "blood" but I personally don't give two shits how related we are he's still an asshole just like our dad, and I don't see how Daryl doesn't realize their the same. I've gotten over the whole dad incident but I'm worried about Carl. I decided to go out and talk to him. He was working outside feeding the pigs and brushing the horses.
"I'm gonna go help Carl." I said to Daryl grabbing my gun putting it in its holster and walking outside. I could see Carl in the distance brushing the horse and I walked over to him.
"Hey Carl." I said walking up to him.
"Hey." He said brushing the horse not looking at me.
"We need to talk." I said grabbing his hand stopping him from brushing the horse.
"About what?"
"Ever since we came back you've been ignoring me and everyone else. I'm not trying to bother you but I miss you. I miss you being their with me and just talking to me. Saying good morning too me when I'm tiered and don't give a shit about anyone cause you know how I am in the morning. I miss you." I said starring into his eyes and he just looked down.
"I know, I just-just ever since mom and Judith I just don't really know what to do." He admitted and I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me and I kissed him. I could feel him kissing me back and he dropped the brush on the ground putting his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. After our like 5 minute kiss he pulled away
"What was that for?" He asked smiling
"I didn't know what else to do." I said smiling kissing him again until I heard a cough coming from behind us.

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