Chapter 59 - An Evolution

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~ 6 Month Time Skip ~

Jessica's P.O.V

It's been about six months since I made that deal with Gregory and the Hill Top. We've been getting plenty of food and they have been getting guns and medication from us. Maggie has been the same, she barely comes out of the house, she can't see correctly, I mean honestly the women's a mess. I hate to say it but it's true. The last two months we've been planning the attack on The Saviors. Every Monday and Friday we go and discuss the plan and make small changes incase we missed something. Daryl doesn't want me to go but I want to. We still haven't decided if I'm going and its pissing me off. I want to help with these assholes too, and if killing them is what we have to do, then we have to do it. Rick doesn't want Carl to go either so at least  not alone on this. But anyway, me and Carl have put off our "wedding" until we get rid of these Savior assholes. Ethan is about seven months? Maybe eight? Who knows anymore? The point is he is starting to crawl. Not really much but he's getting their. I know I was an early crawler and Carl told me he was too. So Ethan starting to crawl now is a good sign. I've learned from Judith that they don't talk until they are at least one. But everyday Carl tries to get him to say mommy or daddy, over and over until he gets frustrated and gives up. I find it hilarious, but he doesn't. We have been doing fine as a couple with Ethan. I'm so glad too because I know after Lori her and Ricks relationship about Judith and other things made them lose sight of their love. Thankfully me and Carl aren't stupid and we know when the other is pissed or upset about something and we handle it. On that note, about two months ago we had a new person come in and he was me and Carl's age. His name was Jake and he had brown eyes, a brown buzz cut hair style, and he had a thick southern accent. I will admit it was pretty cute but I would never leave Carl for him. I would rather have Carl and Ethan any day of the week. He's been really nice to me and Ethan but Carl, not so much. I can tell Carl is jealous but I think he forgets we are engaged and have a kid together. But the cherry on top of the pie is he stays with us. All the other houses are full and me and Carl have the most private so their was no choice. Carl hates it and thinks he'll hurt Ethan but he's just being paranoid. Every time I have Ethan Jake always wants to hold him and watch him for me. He sleeps downstairs in the guest but now his bedroom. It's close to Ethan's but again, I ain't worried. As Ethan grows I've noticed Carl gets more protective over him and me. Like when I'm making dinner and Jake is talking to me Carl will come in and have a random make out session with me in front of him. It's totally awkward but he does it on purpose. I don't mind but sometimes it's annoying to be honest. After all that's been going on I think I have been cursing more than usual. Like legit it's been so bad Carl came up with the name "Sailor" and now everyone calls me that. I don't mind cause I am one of you think about it.

A/N: Hahahaha I came up with this because everyone calls my mom a sailor in real life and I cuss just like her so I'm kinda the sailor with my friends and so yeah. I'm a sailor too... Always wanted to call myself that! Lmao continue......

Carl thinks I should slow down my cursing cause it might get to Ethan. Personally I don't think it will if he can't get him to say mommy or daddy so I got some time to let myself explode on the cursing train.

Population of Cursivill 1: Jessica Dixion. (Grimes)

Anyway, while I was in the kitchen making some food to take over to Maggie's house, Carl was feeding Ethan in his room, and Jake I don't know where he was. As I finished the soup for Maggie I poured it in a bowl and covered it with plastic wrap. Till someone came up behind me putting their arms around my waist. Assuming it was Carl I didn't bother to move. He didn't talk just held me their.

"Babe, I gotta go give this to Maggie, shouldn't you be feeding our son?" I ask not looking at him yet.

"I mean we don't have one yet but that could change." A thick southern accent said behind me.
I out the bowl back down on the counter and turn around seeing Jake. 

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