Chapter 8 - Shane

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Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up not seeing Daryl on the floor. I wasn't concerned cause I figured he'd be down at breakfast. Jenner told us to go down the hall, make a right and go straight. To get their and I did and I was apparently the last one to get up. I saw everyone talking and laughing while T-dog came in talking about eggs. I saw and empty seat next to Carl so I gladly sat next to him. I noticed Lori and Carol looking at me weirdly as they motioned me to talk to them.
"I'll be right back." I said to Carl kissing his head walking over to the coffee table with them.
"What's wrong with you two?" I whispered to them
"Your shirt." They said in unison. I was confused
"What about it?"
"You... You don't have a bra on."
"And????" I crossed my arms waiting for them to get to the point.
"Because just because it's the fricken apocalypse doesn't mean I can't sleep comfortably at night." I said walking away sitting back down. I never realized they all wore their bras 24/7 and I was not planning on leaving mine on while I sleep, that some bullshit right there. Carl was confused as I sat back down all pissed off.
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you later." I said shoving eggs in my mouth with some orange juice. After breakfast I noticed I was the only one who wasn't dressed for the day so I left to my room but Carl followed me.
"Can I help you?" I said as he ran up behind me putting his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hall.
"Just making sure your ok." He said sarcastically even though he was fully aware I could take care of myself.
"Oh yes because walkers will get us underground." -sarcasm
"You never know." We laughed and I kissed his cheek as we walked into my room.
"I'll wait out here while you get dressed." He said and waked out of the room shutting the door. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom, just incase someone came in and plus I had to go to the bathroom anyway.

I was walking to the bathroom but as I turned the corner Shane was standing their and scared the shit out of me.
"What the hell Shane!"
"Listen I'm gonna talk and your gonna listen."
"Excuse me who the hell do you think you are?"
"Ever since you and Carl have been together, he has been growing away from me and Lori." He said waking closer and closer to me as it was very uncomfortable.
"Your not his father asshole."
"Ya well I cared for him while he wasn't their so you better back off." He was face to face with me practically cornering me into a wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked and he just smiled
"Your a tough one aren't you? Daryl's little sister. That's a strange sentence their now isn't it?"
"Back the fuck up." I said as he got closer and closer to my face and his nose was practically touching mine.
"Your a stubborn son of a bitch too." I was really pissed now
"Just because you can screw Lori didn't mean you have power over me jackass." I said spitting in his face.
"Wanna bet?" He said and suddenly grabbed my arm twisting it throwing me on the ground as I quietly grunted in pain.
"Wow, for a Dixion you don't put up much of a fight." He said chuckling as I could now tell by now he was still beyond drunk.
"Rot in hell." I said and just as I stood up he punched me right in the mouth causing me to fall backwards hitting my head on the little table. I could feel blood run down my face onto my neck. Right before he could pick me back up I heard the door slam open, it was Daryl. He ran to Shane pushing his against the wall with a knife to his throat. As I coughed trying to get back up. Carl came running in helping me up sitting me on the couch.
"What the hell happened in here?" He said trying to clean up my face with a wet cloth. Daryl was about to kill Shane before Rick came in pushing him off.
"Are you fucking kidding me! Your best pall over here punched my sister in the face pushing her on the ground and your defending him!?!" He said yelling to Rick.
"Shane is that true?" He said and I could see everyone starring in at us.
"No." He said and I jumped up seeing my knife in the table and ran up to him putting it to his throat again like Daryl.
"You better tell them the fucking truth or I will kill you right here no hesitations." He stood there starring at me with cold eyes
"Dixion enough now for ya?" I asked pulling away waiting for him to tell the truth. After he explained everything Daryl almost killed him again but after he gained control ran over to me hugging me.
"I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear
"It's not your fault." I said back
"It is, I told you no one would ever hurt you like that and I let it happen." He said shaking his head
"Daryl, I'm okay now. Remember, I'm a Dixion." I said smiling as he handed me my clothes so I could finally change peacefully.  What the hell is wrong with Shane?

Carl's P.O.V
I have no clue what just fucking happened. All I know is I was waiting outside until I heard a crash and called for Daryl. I didn't want to go in just I case she was undresses or something like that. When he went in I was right behind him seeing Jessica on the ground and Shane standing their as Daryl put a knife to his throat as I helped Jessica up. After that crazy ass shit we all left and finally let her get dressed. She came out in a different outfit not like she's been wearing. It was a navy blue tank top with jean shorts and some black sneakers.
"Perfect." I said as she came out of the room.
"Well you know it is the apocalypse, gotta dress to impress." She said sarcastically as I started at her busted lip.
"Are you ok?" I asked putting my hand to her face so I could see it better.
"Ya, I am now."
"What the hell happened back their? Shane has never done that before." I said and she just looked down in sorrow.
"He was telling me how I was taking you away from him and Lori. And how he was their for you when you dad wasn't." I was getting pissed. How could Shane do this to someone I love just because I don't spend time with him as much as I did when I was younger? If I could right now I would rip his face off of his body but I knew Jess wouldn't want me to do that.
"Did he "hurt you" in a way besides that?" I said stuttering and she just stopped with a look of shock.
"Carl, Shane didn't touch me like that. Please don't think he did cause he didn't." She said back as I was relieved a little bit still pissed at Shane. Suddenly all the lights turned off, and the air stopped working then my dad came in.
"Hey their you guys are, come one you gotta see this." My dad said and I grabbed Jessica's hand and we walked to this enormous lab room with a bunch of computers and a huge screen with a brain on it.
"Hey what the hell is happening ?" Daryl said as we entered the room. Jenner was still walking and it looked like his was looking for something.
"Hey man I'm talking to you!" Daryl yelled
"Woah, cool brain." I said and Jess just smiled which made me happy.
"It's an extraordinary one." Jenner said as me and Jessica sat in one of the chairs.
"VI scan to the first event." Jenner said as this computer voice coped what he said

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