Chapter 71 - I'll Be Ok

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Daryl's P.O.V

Mom came into my room this morning. It was weird having her back. At home she was different, more afraid of basically everything. But now she's all happy and caring. Like at home if dad was yelling st Merle for getting drunk, he'd blame it on mom for not locking the alcohol cabinet. She said she wanted to catch up. Or something stupid like that. I personally just wanted to be left alone like usual with my shoulder hurting like a bitch I wasn't in the best mood. She told me Jess and Carl went on a run together. I didn't really care cause they were married so it wasn't my business I guess. Jessica gave me my vest back which I was happy about. After last night I wanted to be alone but knowing mom she wouldn't leave till I talked to her. She practically begged me to talk to her. Apologizing and how she was sorry and shit like that.

"Look mom, I think the person you really wanna apologize to is Jess when she gets back. I mean you missed her wedding and her having Ethan." I said

"I know, and I feel awful." She said.

"Can you go now?" I asked trying not to be mean.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be y'alls new doctor." She said heading out the door.

"Ok." I said and she left. I bled out a lot so I had to rest. I know if I didn't Jess would kill me when she gets back. So I was stuck here in the house. Great.

Carl's P.O.V

Me and Jess were shoved into the trunk of a car together. I could tell she was annoyed because she grunted trying to get comfortable with us basically shoved together. I tried to give her as much space as I could but it didn't work much. One thing I am happy about it I managed to punch the guy's nose pretty hard before he could tie my hands behind me so I hope it's broken. I could tell we were driving in the opposite directions of Alexandria. I tried keeping as calm as possible with her being pregnant I didn't want her to be too stressed. I mean I know she could handle it but still. We have been driving for like 20 minutes until the car finally stopped. Once the trunk opens one of the guys pulls me out first putting a bag over my head. He pushes me into this room and then pushed me on the ground. Soon I feel someone else land on top of me. We both grunt from the impact.

"Don't go anywhere." Someone said and the bag is pulled off me and soon the door shuts. It takes my eye a minute to adjust to the new room lighting. Soon I managed to focus it and see Jess trying to pull something out of her boot. After about five minutes she pulls out her knife trying to cut through the tape. The door nob moves and hides the knife in her shirt before the door opened.

"Well, nice to have you two join us." Neegan said pulling three chairs from the hallway. He helps pull us up and sit's us in the chairs as he sits in the other.

"Comfortable?" He asked knowing we couldn't respond which pissed me off. "Oh yeah, let me help with you that." He said pulling the tape off of our mouths. "Now, let's get to business." He said sitting back in the chair.

"Why'd you kidnap us you crazy asshole?" Jessica immediately asked

"I needed to talk." He said calmly.

"So you had to kidnap us?" I asked

"I think of it more as, helping transport you here." He said.

"So if duck taping someone, throwing them in a trunk, and taking them somewhere they have never been isn't kidnapping then please tell me what is?" Jess said sarcastically

"Ok maybe it is? So what?" Neegan said

"If you wanted to talk, you could have just come to Alexandria and talk?" I asked

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