Chapter 47 - Leaving?

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•2 weeks later•

Jessica's P.O.V

Everyone has been watching Ethan grow. He's only about 2 and a half weeks old but he's pretty big. After we got Alexandria cleaned up which took forever we had a huge funeral for everyone we lost. We lost Enid, a bunch of other Alexandrian's, Jesse, Sam, Ron, and most importantly Dianne. Maggie and Rick were basically controlling this town if you put it in my terms. Everything was going ok for now. After the clean up we've been trying to be as normal as possible. Daryl and Rick are talking about going on a run soon for the basics. Carl wears a bandage over his eye and he won't let me see it. I usually don't care about crazy wounds cause I think their cool but he won't let me see it. Ethan and Carl are so cute together. He's a really good dad to Ethan, Rick and Daryl love playing with him too. Especially Daryl, he always makes sure I'm ok with Ethan and if I need anything. It was about 11 am and Daryl came into me and Carl's room as we were talking about something important.

"Oh sorry to bother." He said

"It's cool we were just talking and playing with Ethan. The usual." I said

"Well me and Rick decided to go on the run tomorrow. Today he and Maggie are going to talk to everyone about our food situation, since we are low." He said

"I know, I hope y'all find somethin out there." I said holding Ethan.

"Yeah I hope we do too. Getting low, but we have plenty of weapons and ammunition." He said

"Good." I said.

"Well I'm gonna go." He said walking away.

"Actually Daryl, could you and Rick be at the living room in about an hour or so? We have to talk." I said

"Jessica I swear to god if your pregnant again." He starts

"Daryl stop please I'm not I promise." I said

"Uh hu whatever." He said leaving

"You sure you wanna do this?" Carl asked me as Daryl shut the door.

"Yes, I want this for us. For Ethan." I said

"Alright then, let's do it I guess." He said and we started to talk about how we were going to tell them.

+ 1 hour later +

I was supper nervous to tell Rick and Daryl what me and Carl are planning. It was about an hour later and they came into the living room. We were already there but Daryl and Rick finally come.

"Hey." I said to them as they came inside.

"Hey, how are guys doing?" Rick asked

"Fine, but me and Carl have to tell you both something." I finish and they both turn pale.

"Ok?" Rick saids

"Just sit." I say and they do. Me, Carl, and Ethan are on the couch and Rick and Daryl each sit in a chair.

"So?" Rick starts

"Me and Carl have been talking for a while about something important." I start

"And we both feel like..... Well..... We want to have our own home with Ethan." I said. They both don't move. They just look like someone shot them and they were dead.

"So we were gonna ask Maggie about it but we are telling you because I know this is gonna happen. I want to make my own family with Ethan and Carl. Not having everyone around us all the time." I said

"I understand." Rick speaks up.

"Y'all wanna be alone. Raise Ethan. I get it." He said again

"Your ok with us moving out?" I ask

"Yes. You too are mature enough to take care of yourselves. Now that you two even had a baby together for that matter I'm sure you can handle living together alone." Rick said

"Daryl?" I look at him while Carl is holding Ethan.

"It's cool." He said

"Cool?" I asked

"Yeah. Like Rick said, y'all know what your doing here and out there. Ain't no reason you can't live together without us around." He said

"So you do realize I'm going to talk to Maggie about this after we are done here right?" I ask

"Of course." Daryl said sarcastically

"Ok well I'm glad you understand so Carl, let's got talk to Maggie." I said and we both left the house with Ethan.

"Dam Jess that went well." Carl said as we walk over to Maggie's house.

"Better than I thought it would." I said

"Hey, we have to feed him when we get back." I said looking at Ethan.

"I know." He said as we head up the small steps to her house. We knock on the door and she answers.

"Hi guys how are you!" She saids all happy.

"We are fine but we have to ask you something." I said

"Yeah what's up?" She said as we walk inside.

"Before I start I wanna say Daryl and Rick already know about this and there cool." I said

"Oh jeez." She said

"Maggie chill I'm not pregnant again." I say sarcastically

"Good, now what can I help you with?" She asks as we sit down in her dining room.

"Me and Carl wanna move into our own home. With Ethan." I say

"Oh, well if you give me a day or so I'm sure I could figure something out for y'all ok?" She saids

"Thanks Maggie." I say hugging her and we get up to leave.

"Uh Jess I have to ask Maggie a question mind if I stay back?" Carl asks

"Yeah I don't care just give me Ethan, I gotta feed em." I said and he hands me Ethan. I walk out of the house and back to mine, well for now at least. ;)

Carl's P.O.V

I'm glad Jessica didn't fight me about leaving and just left.

"So what's up Carl?" Maggie asked

"I need a favor." I said

"What's up?"

"Ok so I'm gonna propose to Jessica and I need your help planning it." I said

"Oh Carl that's great!" She saids

"Yeah so will you help me?" I ask

"Hell ya!" She said all excited

"Ok so what I want you to do is once you get our house, let me know first and then I need a dress. I want to know once you find a house so I can take Jess out on a date kind thing before we move in. Then on the date I'll tell her we got the house and she'll be so excited. Then after that I'll ask her." I said

"Awh Carl that sounds adorable. Ok so I'll get the house as soon as possible and let you know which one it is before the date." She said

"Ok and I'm gonna need a nice dress for her." I said

"Of course. I have the perfect dress, I'll stop by when she's out and hide it under y'all bed." She said

"Ok thanks." I said standing up.

"No problem Carl." She said and I left.

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