Chapter 62 - You Ok?

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We walked for a little bit through the woods till we were inside a car. They duck taped my hands together all the way to my fingertips and gaged us. The first and I'm guessing women in charge was talking into her walkie while we drove off. Once the car stopped after about 10-15 minutes we got out and were dragged into this building. Once the bag was off my head a walker was right in front of me. Before I could react their was a knife pocking through its forehead.

"You sit there. You sit there." She said to me and Carol. We were in the same room but across from each other sitting on the ground. She started to tape our legs together and talked to Carol.

"Your wondering if theirs a way out of this. Their isn't." She said.

"I need back up!" Someone yelled and she stopped.

"It's taking all I have not to kill you both right now so go ahead and try something see what happens!" She said and ran out of the door. I look around and manage to sit up and get on my knees. I start to saw at the duck tape with the edge of the wall. Before I could even make a dent I heard footsteps so I sat back down. Once I sat down Carol started to breath heavy. She was hyperventilating.

"Carol!" I tried to yell but the gag was blocking me. They were talking and not even noticing Carol.

"Hey!" I tried getting her attention until she finally came over.

"What!?" She asked ripping my gag off.

"She's hyperventilating you need to take her gag off!" I said. The older women went over and took it off and Carol started to breath heavy.

"Bitch how did you make it this far?" The younger women asked pointing a gun at her. Carol pulled out a pendant and held it in her hands. I was so confused by her action but said nothing obviously.

"Are you actually afraid to die?" She asked "Just scared of getting your ticket punched?"

"It doesn't matter what happens to me. Just don't hurt Jessica. She has a baby to look after." Carol said and my eyes widen. Why the hell would she tell them that!? The women with a gun to Carols head came over to me.

"Yeah right!" She said

"It's true." I said. "It's a boy, and he's about seven or eight months." I admit.

"Your some kinda stupid to get knocked up at a time like this. Especially being a teen in all. The daddy alive?" She asked.

"When was it ever a good time to get knocked up?" I said mocking her words. "And yes, the father is alive." I said

"Just another bite size snack for the dead." She said. I wanted to punch this bitch in the face for talking about MY son and MY soon to be husband. The women never took her gun away from me still looking at me. Soon the guy started complaining about his arm that Carol shot. They were all trying to fix it.

"Everyone shut up they'll be here in 30 minutes!" The women said trying to fix his arm.

"He doesn't have 30 minutes. If he doesn't get medical help soon he could lose his arm or his life." I speak up. "I'm not a doctor but I know someone who lost a leg and we had to cut it off. Your man Primo, think he can help you?" I asked "It's time to end this. Please just talk to Rick." I ask.

"My problem, she did this to me. She did it and she's just sitting their all fine." The man said standing up walking closer to Carol. They started arguing about if he could kill her and me or not. The women declined him and he leaned over in pain. He shot up and smacked the women on the face. He was facing now towards Carol and I knew this wasn't gonna be good. Without thinking I roll to the side and kick his legs causing him to stumble. He regains balance and picks me up by my hair.

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