Chapter - 4

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Carlisle's heart almost leaped out of his chest as he heard the voice of his daughter. The voice was had changed a bit, but he could recognize by the familiar huskiness and melodious voice that it was Lia. Losing a child was an indescribable tragedy. A tragedy also for his other children Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice who have to deal with the loss of their little sister or best friend. And Edward, his oldest son, his first companion, his friend, he was the one who lost the most, who suffered the most. He lost his mate the reason for his existence. He lost all hope when Lia left him, that too for a good reason. 

But the need to be near her always irked Edward. He screwed her over and he never wanted her to get screwed her over by someone else. Sometimes, the only soul that can mend a broken heart is the one that broke it. For they are the ones holding all the pieces.  It wasn't like he never tried to forget her. No, he tried. But whenever he thought he was moving on, suddenly something related to her flashed in his mind. The pendant, her smile, the house, the piano - it was like she was everywhere, everything reminded him of her. Just when he thought that he was forgetting her, a feeling that he could only describe as a needle pinching his heart. 

He remembered the day vividly, for how could he forget the day his heart was  broken? The funny thing about a broken heart is that it's not fatal. Though he wished in vain that it were, life continues on and he had no choice but to continue on with it. He took the hand that fate had dealt with him and he pressed forward because there was nothing else that could be done. She was never going to come back. 

It hurt Carlisle every time he thought of him, every time he saw him. When Lia left, Edward's heart left did too, with her. Both of them were only lifeless shells.

Heart and soul gone. He lived his life for Lia, so when she left him, his purpose of living was lost. 

All life had been drained from his eyes. Edward was only a shadow of himself. A shell that was falling apart before their eyes and there was nothing that they could do about it. Carlisle felt so helpless and powerless not to be able to help his son, to help his family. 

Edward sat in his room, writing in his journal leisurely about the days he spent with Lia. The sudden image of Lia looking at him with disdain and sad look enters his mind. Thee memory wasn't invited nor it was pleasant. But it still came, so why not, for once, Lia comes before him and kisses his pain away, if only in his daydreams or memories? He felt miserable, because he was the reason for his own broken heart. His mind reverts back to the good times. He never realized how empty his life had really become, until he had her in it. His life was lonely, sad, isolated. And now that she's gone, he is anything but. 

He walked towards the glass walls of his room as he carefully placed his journal on the shelf. He folded his arms across his chest and leant his head on the glass. It comforted him. The glass was cold, so was his skin. And it eased the burn in his heart. Each and every limb, each and every sinew begged for just one look of his beloved.

His skin glistened in moonlight and he allowed the coolness of night to wash over him. Daytime was one of the times he absolutely detested. It reminded him of her. Whenever he thought about the sun, he could feel her touching his skin in amazement as he 'Sparkled'. And he could hear her calling him Sparkles. A smile stretched upon his face as he remembered their first kiss. It was mind-boggling and earth-shattering. She slept like a rock but was able to look like an angel. She stunned him to silent, that was his first. She wooed him, not by her words but by her tenderness. He killed people, he wounded himself. But then, there was Lia, with skin touched by the moonlight and eyes of chocolate brown, ready to tear him apart with one look, daring him to get hurt. Her gaze tore him apart and saw what was inside. His inner demons, his flaws, his misdeeds - nothing was hidden from her. She knew what he was in real and yet loved him so much. He was a demon, she was an angel. 

He was brought out of his trance when Carlisle's phone vibrated. What confused him was that nobody ever called Carlisle this late at night. Nobody ever called him at all. Those who wanted to talk to him either took an appointment or did it by coming to home, but no one called him on phone. Why should I care, he asked himself and rolled his now black eyes. He ran a hand through his messy hair and disheveled it even more than it already was. Lia would've liked his hair. His rain-darkened bronze hair was now, a tad bit longer and a couple of shades darker. Things had changed, time had passed, but he was stuck in the days when he first met Lia. She was so beautiful to him and the fact that he couldn't read her mind, made him more curious to the point of desperation. And the fact that she was so freakishly observant for a human only intrigued him or irritated him further. But his feelings for her changed faster than ice turns into water. Yeah, that fast! He sighed in defeat, knowing that there was no possible way by which he could forget Lia. He uncrossed his arms from his chest and placed them on the glass, on either side of his head. His family was worried about him, but  A clink of metal was heard and he looked to the side to see Lia's pendant dangling and pressed to the glass. He lifted the wrist to his face, pressed his lips to the pendant gingerly. Her pendant was the only thing that she left behind, for him. This is why it was his most priced possession. 

Unbeknownst to Edward, Lia's heart fluttered when he pressed his lips to her pendant. She liked the feeling that suddenly erupted in her stomach, but she brushed it off. The feeling wasn't familiar to her, even though she had faced it more than once. The tenderness of that feeling made her moan softly. It was like someone was caressing her while placing butterfly kisses on her soft body. But she didn't smiled this time, because there was a corpse in front of her, a werewolf by her side and maybe, a vampire who could kill her with a flick of a wrist. 


Edward's ears twitched as he heard Lia's name being murmured in the house. No one dared to say her name in the house, in the fear that the memories of Lia will hit Edward like wrecking ball and once again, he'll wallow himself in the grief of losing her. But Lia always made her way to conquer their memories and Edward, being the mind reader he was, took hold of them. Over the years, the pain of losing her had eased. At first, it was insufferable, then the pain lessened and now, all he could feel was the vacancy - the emptiness in his hearts that's eating him alive. Maybe he was just hearing things. But when the worried voice of Carlisle spoke again, his body stiffened because of the unmistakable fear in his voice. 

"Are you okay, Lia? Where are you? " 

Edward's eyes widened in panic. The gruesome and heartbreaking image of Lia being harmed in anyway entered his mind and again, his stomach clenched in fear. Fear for her. He had learned over the past five years what it really means to be able to miss someone. In order to miss someone, that means you were privileged enough to have them in your life to begin with. He never meant to fall for her, but he did. And in his fear of losing her, he did just that. She was no longer his to lose, but the grief was there, a gnawing sense of disbelief. 

So what if she was not his to lose anymore? So what if she was no longer his Lia? She was still his princess and will forever be. Vampires fall in love only once and they love only them, till the end of time. So what if she'll not accept his love? She'll always be his to protect, his to take care of and his to look out for. And he would always love her.

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