Chapter - 24

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After their dance, Edward had left Lia in the room by herself. Jasper had walked to them and murmured something in Edward’s ear, to which Edward nodded and gave Lia an apologetic smile and a kiss. His eyes told her that he would come soon. And she believed him.

She stood for a long time, hoping that Edward would come to her. But he didn’t. Muttering a few profanities, she huffed. Maybe he was deluged with the guests. In the middle of all this, she caught his eye, and he gave her a tight, apologetic smile before turning back to the guests – and the guests were vampires too. They were dark haired and pale as white. Their skin was a creamy texture with no imperfections. As pale as they were, they didn't looked sick or deadly pale, their skin was like porcelain or ivory - it had a certain beauty and charm to it that drew attention without accord. Their eyes were gold and of course, being vampires, they were beautiful, like gods and goddesses. But beauty was the last thing that was on her mind.

Frustrated, she wandered around some of the adjoining rooms, admiring the paintings until she arrived at one of her favorites – Carlisle di Volturi. She was standing close, too close really, noting the detail of the marble pillar by which Carlisle stood, when a voice with Italian accent spoke from beside her.

“You like this painting?”

Lia looked up into the golden eyes of a man with black hair and very pale skin. He was taller than her, but not overly, and had a muscular build. He wore a very expensive black suit, with a single red rose pinned to the lapel. She recognized him as one of the people who were talking to Edward.

“Yeah, very much,” she responded.

“I’ve always admired the depth that Pio De Felice gave to his paintings, particularly the strokes and detail of the pillar.”

She smiled at him and turned back to the painting. “That’s exactly what I was studying. This is incredible.”

The gentleman bowed to her. “Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Crescenzio Rossetti.”

The vampire appeared to be waiting for her to respond.

“Lia Culver.” She extended her hand in a polite gesture, but he took her by surprise when he grasped it between both of his hands and drew it to his lips, looking up at her as he kissed it.

“Enchanted,” he said looking up at her in fascination. “And may I say that your beauty rivals that of Phryne and Nefertiti. Especially in light of this evening.”

Lia blushed as he compared her to Phryne and Nefertiti – world’s most beautiful women from ancient times. She felt uncomfortable with him, so she quickly averted her eyes and removed her hands from his.

“Allow me to provide you with a drink.” He quickly flagged down a waiter and took a champagne flute from a tray. Lia shook her head, and thankfully he understood and gave her a glass of lemonade instead.

Lia sipped at the drink gratefully, as it gave her a distraction from his intense stare. He was charming, she would not deny it, but she was wary of him.

He smiled at her hungrily.

“I am a professor of history at a university. And you?”

“I do business.”

“Ah, I’ve heard a lot about you. From where have you studied? Not here.” His eyes wandered from her face to her body to her shoes, before traveling up to her face again.

She took a generous step back, bothered by his blatant staring. “Harvard Business School.”

“Ah. One of my former students is studying there right now. Perhaps you are acquainted.” He stepped closer.

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