Chapter - 2

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"Edward," Esme intoned. "Don't you think that we should go to Alaska?"

"No, Esme," Edward said ruefully. "I'd better stay here."

"Why?! You can not just lock yourself into a room for yea-"

"Yes, I can Esme. I don't want to deal with Tanya, right now."

Esme shook her head in disapproval. She never approved of Tanya but Edward needed to move on. Yeah, she missed Lia and hadn't saw her in four years but she can't put her hopes up for nothing.

Edward, had only got out of the house when he needed to hunt and the rest of the time, he played Lia's melody, unstoppably while sitting still. It was as if he was playing the song in her memory. The love of a lover was like that. Deep as the deepest of the oceans and true as the truest of the truths. Only his fingers and forearms moved, his body stayed still. His body was missing Lia, it happens when you fall in love. Flashes of the day entered his mind when Lia asked him if he still loved her. She asked him if he still wanted her. Ha, as if he could stop his silly heart from loving her. As if he would want to give up the thing that made him stronger than anything else ever had. They fell in love, despite their differences, and once they did, the most beautiful but complex things created. There love was alone, isolated from the world and that was beautiful.

Rosalie entered the room, as beautiful as ever, holding a two business magazines in her pale hands. She skipped towards Edward to show him what was on the cover page. She knew he missed Lia and as much as she hated to admit it, she missed her too. And the thought of Edward being with Tanya in any non-platonic way made her cringe inwardly. They just looked so..odd together. Even if they would try to look lovingly at each other, it looked forced and fake. Their was always the lack of connection between them, even when they didn't met Lia. But their was a chemistry between Lia & Edward that made them look good together. And the affection that they showed to each other wasn't faked. They were never told to do that. They did it without even knowing it. It just came off naturally and you could tell that they were madly in love with each other, just by looking at them.

She threw the Most Beautiful People - Vogue on the couch as she stood beside Esme. Esme tusked her as she caught her daughter throwing things around the room, which she so beautifully designed. So unfathomable was Edward's love for Lia, that anybody who knew them well, couldn't imagine Edward without Lia. Just like you couldn't imagine Romeo without Juliet, Dante without Beatrice and Samson without Delilah.

A sad smile graced Edward's lips as he heard Rosalie's thoughts. Edward & Lia. Edward without Lia. He ruined everything. He ruined the best years of his life in ten minutes and he ruined his future.

"Edward, take your fat ass out of this room for a second, will ya?" Rosalie asked as she saw Edward Sullen playing the piano, again!

"No." was all she got in response. This is getting too much, she thought. A months had passed since he last hunted and she could tell, that his strength was being sucked out of him. His hair was messier than usual, his skin was paler, his eyes were like a black abyss.

"Edward this is way too much. How can you be so self absorbed to ignore all things except the stupid piano and the damned pendant on your wris-" Rosalie immediately stopped herself and her spine stiffened.

Edward registered Rosalie's words in his head and his fingers stopped moving. The damned pendant? The damned pendant?! Shock surged through his veins, pumping streams of rage into his bloodstream. Esme had a shock look settled upon her heart shaped face as Rosalie's word finally entered her ears.

Edward's head slowly turned to look at Rosalie. Rosalie inhaled sharply when she took in Edward's furious expression. She never meant those words. But the way Edward was acting infuriated her. He's like her younger brother for god's sake! And seeing him like this, it hurt her. All he did was stare at Lia's pendant and feel sorry for his ass. He forgot that there were other things in the world except Lia. He can't just put his family aside and drown himself in self loathing.

"Get. Out. Of. Here." All words were emphasized and snarled out slowly through gritted teeth as the speaker continued to bore the same devilish expression. His lips were pulled back, baring his sharp teeth and he crouched low. "Now."

"Edward, I - I'm sorry. I never-"

"Rosalie, don't make me do something that I'll regret later," said Edward in the same, rough voice which clearly showed in how much anger he was.

"I'm sorr-"

"I said get out!" He exclaimed as he grabbed the nearest thing he could see and threw it across the room. Rosalie insulted the last and only possession of Lia. He knew that she'd never do that intentionally but his actions were overpowered by the bitter emotions. Rosalie easily dodged the attack and Esme tried to stop him but it was of no use. He just kept throwing things, as if it would make Lia come back to his life or it would make the pain and emptiness disappear. He was about to throw the other vase when he caught sight of something.

He froze, his body having caught up with his brain. Slowly he turned and down at the magazine on the floor, convinced that he couldn't have seen what he thought he saw. Tentatively he picked up the magazine and flipped it over to look again at the front cover that only seconds ago he'd had a fleeting glimpse of. And there she was. Looking back at him with an intensity that reached out and plucked at his soul. Those eyes, they had always gotten to him. They had a way of entrancing you, imploring you, making you a willing captive.


His chest tightened and his lungs burnt. Suddenly the magazine felt like an extension of his hand. He honestly didn't know how he was going to put it down. He found himself rubbing those lips of hers with his thumb, remembering the times he'd kissed her. How her mouth had tasted. How he had wanted to do so much more to her but had stopped himself because of his fear of her unwillingness. She might not have looked or behaved or thought anything like a seventeen year old girl, but that was what she'd been, and he'd been over a hundred.

A barrage of random memories hit him. Her burying her face in his chest to hide how hard she was laughing when their Emmett made a silly joke. Her trying to convince him to change her. Him watching her sleep all night. Her yelling at him to stop feeling sorry for himself. Him sitting playing with that head of black-brown ringlets while she read books. He closed his eyes as he found himself imagining her by his side again. He would've loved her. When her dark hair would be white, he still would've loved her. When the smooth softness of youth would be replaced by the delicate softness of age, he still would've craved to touch her skin. When her face would've been full of the lines of every smile she had ever smiled, of every surprise he would've seen flash through her eyes. He would've loved her, till the moment he inhaled his last share of air.

He just stood there, thinking about old times when all was good, when he used to take her in his arms. Alice would always look into Lia's future but would block what she saw from him by singing an annoying song in her head. He sighed, knowing that Lia probably hated him and didn't wanted to face him, like ever. Served him right. He was the one who blamed her without knowing the truth.

She was more beautiful than before. She was practically glowing, wearing a black leather rider's jacket, denims and combat boots. Her hair looked shinier and beautiful as ever. Her tattoo or marks as he called them, were visible and showed off her cleavage properly. She looked beautiful, seductive, tempting. She didn't looked like the innocent girl anymore. She looked like a woman. A very beautiful woman.

But she was not his. He lost her all those years ago. It doesn't really matter, he told himself. But it did matter to him. It really did.

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