Chapter - 21

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“Lia, wakeup.”

Lia grumbled and turned away as she pulled the blankets up to her chin.

“Lia, it’s 10 already. C’mon, wakeup,” whined Bella as she shook Lia to get her out of her sleep, to no avail. Bella ticked her jaw and nodded her head as she tried to snatch the blanket away from Lia but, Lia just tightened her grip on it.

Bella threw her hands up in defeat and muttered a few curses as she started to walk out of the room. She was trying to wake Lia since an hour or two but her sister was not willing to get her body out of the bed anytime soon. She twisted the knob of the door and walked out of the room, all the while scoffing and muttering in exasperation.

Lia sighed happily as she heard the door closing and once again fell into the oblivion of darkness. She was precisely where she wanted to be – in a bed under warm blankets. She could hear the droplets of water hitting the ground as it rained. She could hear the distinct sound of chirping of birds. The smell of the forest invaded her senses and her lungs inflated with the onrush of air and the gentle music of nature.

After sometime, in her subconscious state,  she felt the bed dip from weight as someone sat behind her. She could feel that someone was near her as she felt a cold, muscular chest through her back. She could tell that it was a man by the way the person got too near to her face, and the air around her felt heavy and also, the lack of femininely curves. Yup. Definitely a man. It’s a womanly instinct.

She could feel a cold finger whispering against the skin of her collarbone. She could feel the breath someone on her neck and moments later, lips. The coldness of the lips on the nape of her neck made her shudder and she slowly tried to get the sleep out of her eyes. Those lips travelled to her shoulder where feather-light kisses were showered mixed with a few licks and bites. The hollow of her throat was bitten lightly and then licked to soothe down the sting,  and afterwards sucked. Lia arched her back and she couldn’t decide whether she wanted more of that feeling or should she curse her traitorous body for it. Lia bit her lip to stop a moan from escaping and twisted at the waist. She yelped as her hand came in contact of hair. Human hair. Vampire hair and by the texture, she could tell who it was. Edward. He was the only person who had the audacity- no, every right of touching her.

He buried his face in her hair and sighed heavily. Kissing her cheek, he slowly tucked a stray strand of her hair, behind her ear. “Wake up, Lia. I’ve brought you breakfast,” said Edward as he kissed her earlobe lovingly. “Hey, get up or I’ll throw you over my shoulder and you’ll end up being in the bathtub.”

Lia’s eyes snap opened at that and she rubbed her eyes sleepily after she sat up and fixed her nightgown for showing some decency. “Okay okay, I am up.”

Lia looked at Edward who stood easily towering over her, a big smile on his face. He was confident as fuck, looking immaculate as he always did. Despite his good looks, he had his faults. In fact, his looks were one of the things in which she didn’t found any fault. He was cocky, quick-tempered, hard to handle sometimes. But she knew he loved her. He loved the hell out of her. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t love him in return.

There were so many things she would change about him if she could, but then he was all she had, so she dealt with it. He let her in when no one else dared to go near him.

“Why are you smiling like a fool?” The question slipped out of Lia’s mouth out of sheer curiosity.

Edward took a deep, unneeded breath into his lungs and slowly took Lia’s hands in his. He relished the softness of her hands and the warmth of her skin. “Last night,” started Edward slowly, carefully watching her reaction. “You said something to me, in your sleep.”

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