Chapter - 12

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Nothing had succeeded in making Edward numb from the frustration and sadness that came with the fact that she hadn’t talked to him. That meant that she had either changed dramatically over the years into a creature that more resembled his former self or she simply did not wish to see him.

That's fine, the proud side of him thought. 

But it wasn’t fine. How could it be fine when one of the very few people in the world you had ever cared for suddenly didn’t want to know you? And it wasn’t just anyone, it was Lia – the only person he had ever valued, ever trusted, ever let his guard down for ​​​​​​, ever loved unconditionally. 

And then you humiliated her, a voice inside him whispered.

Was that what this was about? Fuck, she could never imagine how difficult it had been to just let her go that day. He had felt like he was leaving himself. And when he had looked at her puffy eyelids, and her wobbling chin it had immediately made him think of when he left her. Suddenly, he had felt no better than that cold-hearted bitch. 

Maybe he should just let it go and continue to stay away, only loving her from afar. It was obviously what she wanted. Maybe he should just be content enough with knowing that she was doing well, that she was happy. What else was there to know anyway? 

He knew he wouldn’t be able to do that, just as he knew deep down that it was reasons other than curiosity that made him want to talk to her. If he didn’t had to go to the charity event later tonight, he might have found himself hunting her down to demand to know what her problem was. He would give her until the morning, if she still hadn’t talked to him by then she would find that the next method wouldn't so friendly.

The venue – a five-star hotel – was huge and impressive, Lia noted as they all hopped out of the limo and into the lights of dozens of flashing cameras. Again Lia got that sense of not belonging. Never would she have imagined setting foot in a place like this. Just like she never would have imagined being asked for autographs or photographs – mostly, though, being renowned for telling people to sod off meant that she didn’t get too much of that. It was something that she suspected would always feel weird to her, just like the special treatment she received and the invites to parties of celebs who she’d never even met. 

A conflicting cocktail of emotions assailed her, awe at the grandness before her, awkwardness at entering this other world, and also dread at having to be around people who were for the most part condescending to her. It wasn’t the fact that they were famous that had Lia rumpled, it was the judgmental looks and the smiles that were so sickly sweet they were acidic to her. 

Basking in the attention, Bella took her time heading through the break in the gang of reporters, posing and smiling and blowing kisses. Lia just nodded and smiled. It occurred to her that the frustration would leak into her eyes and give the reporters what they wanted. 

The questions being yelled were just as frustrating, were she and Nicolas an item? Would she care to comment on the rumors about her and Ethan? Who designed her dress and where was it flown in from?

“What’s the point in answering any of your questions when you’ll only print whatever you want anyway?” asked Lia jokingly but it was enough to shut the people up. As soon as they stepped inside and Bella realised how huge the place was and how many celebrities were about, she reached for a very nervous Lia.

“You’ll be fine.” 

The attention was unreal, it was as though every move they made was watched, every word they said examined, every expression they wore scrutinised. And then there were the bastards who kept giving them tip-to-toes inspections then flirtatiously look into their eyes. Mostly Bella just glided through the crowds murmuring soothing words to Lia.

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