Chapter - 26

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Lia knew that Edward wanted to sketch her, but she wasn’t sure if that was all he wanted to do, or if it was a code for more. Lia wondered if Edward would stop, if she told him to. Though Edward didn’t strike her as a guy who would stop. In high school too, plenty of girls would be more than happy to explore the Greek-god.

Lia took a deep breath and noticed that Edward was back with a sketchbook under one arm. He was in deep thought : the mouth that had pleasured her a while ago was parted, the eyes that always captivated her were narrowed in concentration and the bushy eyebrows were scrunched. But then, he smiled showing her his white teeth. He slid his free hand through his hair and then shook it out, resulting in a bed-head look. Sexy. 

“Where do you want me?” More breathless than she’d intended, her question sounded like a purr to a lover. She was aroused. No man ever had that effect on Lia which made her belly clench with need, with just one look. Other men had to work for being with her, but just one look from Edward was enough for her to convulse.

“On the bed?”


She moved on to the perch of the edge of the mattress. Her heart was pounding, waiting. It was as if her heart was fluttering like wings of a hummingbird. She thought she probably looked like an Orangutan lying on Edward’s bed, with her hair messy as fuck, her body spread.

He peered at her, head angling to the side. He noticed her stiff position and looked at her worriedly. He didn’t wanted her to feel as if she was being forced into anything. Drop the idea of capturing her on a mere piece of paper! Her presence is enough to quench his thirst. “You look really uneasy, Lia. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Lia bit her lip as she scolded herself internally. Edward clearly looked as excited as he allowed himself to look at the thought of sketching her. But she being a fool, couldn’t even act to look comfortable.  “I want to.”

“Mmm. What position would be the most comfortable for you?” He asked as his ‘innocent’ minds thought of ‘positions’ in which she would feel comfortable.

She couldn’t say loud the answers that popped into her head at that question, but the flush that spread across her cheeks like wildfire gave them away. He caught his lower lip in his teeth, and she was sure that he was trying to contain his laugh? Most comfortable position? What about with her head stuck under a pillow?

He went to sit on the floor, against the wall, facing the foot of their bed. Knees up, sketchpad on his thighs, he was just as she imagined him to be while drawing – beautiful. He himself was an art for her, and there he was sitting on the floor, admiring her flawed figure. 

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, wickedly as he contemplated on what part of her body would he focus the most. Her throat, face, lips, eyes? He decided to focus on her whole. “Lose your robe.” He needed her, once again. When he tasted her with his tongue, he forgot how her blood had tasted, which really meant something, considering her blood was the strongest and most tempting to him. She tasted like honey to him – the sweet nectar that he oh so craved and the sweet ache in his groin increased.

“Okay.” Tantalizingly slowly, she opened up the belt of her robe. Only a part of her front was exposed. Her breasts were hidden from his view and he almost groaned in anticipation, but she slipped the robe off her body.
Edward’s breath caught in his throat as he looked at Lia’s naked form. He had imagined how Lia would look in her naked glory, but he had to say, the reality was way better than his imagination.

Her midnight-black her tumbled over her shoulders like waves of sea. She was an angel to him. A brown-eyed angel with creamy white skin. And as his eyes roamed over her stomach, a stomach that would never bear his child, something in him warmed and melted, and something in him died. “Lie down on your stomach and rest your head on your arms, facing me.”

She did as he told her. “Like this?” She was a sight to see – for the worthy and the unworthy. No wonder why even Crescenzio fell into the spell of her beauty.

He nodded, eyeing her as if observing details, which he was. He wanted to ensnare her very being in a piece of paper.  Coming close enough, he moved to fan his fingers through her hair and let it fall over her shoulder.
“Perfect,” he muttered, scooting back to his position against the wall, a few feet away.

She stared at him as he sketched, his eyes moving back and forth from her face to the sketchpad. At some points, his gaze began to move downwards, over the rest of her. As if his fingertips skimmed over her shoulders, down her back, her breath caught in her throat and she shut her eyes.He was caressing her with his eyes, the intensity of his gaze made her think if he was over her. She felt his eyes on her back, she felt his eyes slide from the curve to the dip of her back.

“Falling asleep?” His voice was soft. Near.

She opened her eyes to find him on his knees next to her, sitting back on his heels. Her heart picked up its pace at his nearness. “No.” He’d left the pad and pencil on the floor behind him. “Are you…done?” She wasn’t going to tell him that she was nervous or shy with him being around. It would only fuel his cockiness. He was already so full of himself.

He shook his head in response to her question. “No. I’d like to do another.” She nodded with a shaky, shy smile. “Turn onto your back.”

She rolled over, ever so slowly, afraid he’d be able to see her heart hammering through the skin of her chest. He grabbed the pad and pencil from the floor and stood. Staring down, he let his eyes roam over her, and she felt vulnerable but not in danger.

“I’m going to arrange you now, Lia.”

She swallowed. “Uh..sure.” Her hands were covering her bare breasts and her legs were pressed tightly together. She tried to hide as much as she could of her.

“Your body is a universe of its own,” he told her as he grazed his cheeks with his fingers. He himself was dazzled by her beauty sometimes. Just like the days when they were in high school and he would spend hours just watching her.

His fingers encircled the wrist nearest to him, and her brought her arm over his head, bent it as though it had been thrown back.

“I see the stars in your eyes.”

Taking the opposite hand, he splayed her fingers over her abdomen, sat back, stared at her a moment, and then moved it too, over her head as though she was bound. The dominant man in Edward awakened at the thought of Lia being bound to him, for him.

Edward then let his fingers dance over her skin. Her flesh was soft and warm in contrast to his chilled one. He left a trail of goosebumps down her arms where his touch lingered. He sat down, once again kneeling in front of her, her hair tickling his cheek.

“Your body is made up of hills and valleys.”

He began to touch her body again. His hands wandered, unashamed across her breasts. One hand stayed there where it lightly pinched and pulled at her nipple, eliciting a soft moan from her parted lips. His other hand ran down her stomach until he reached her legs. He played with the flesh of her thighs, squeezing and massaging, relishing the way she quivered under his touch. He explored her body more deeply, intimately and more lovingly. He sought to memorize everything about her.

“And when I was inside you, I felt the ocean at my fingertips.”

He guided his other hand deeper and reached her most sensitive part – a part that only he would ever touch from now. He parted the lips of her nether regions with his fingers and she let out a ragged gasp, as he worked his fingers inside of her. He educated until he was well versed in the ways of her body.

Kissing her neck, he reveled in her scent. She rocked her body back and forth, giving him the pleasure that he did not seek out, but welcomed wholeheartedly. After a few moments of poorly suppressed moans, she arched into him and let out a soft, wild sound, carnal and beautiful.

“What we have is ours alone, Lia. Always remember that.”

He then returned to his sketching, concentrating on her hands for a long while, and then her face. He stared into her eyes, back and forth between that intimate examination and his drawing. When he stared at her mouth for long moments – drawing, sketching, staring all the time, she so badly wanted to grab his shirt and pull him down to her. Her hands clenched at the thought involuntarily, and his gaze flicked there and back. Lia laid there silently, watching Edward do his work as Edward concentrated on every detail, every freckle,  every flaw of her beautiful body.

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