Chapter - 20

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"It was always about you." 

He heard her voice saying in his mind, over and over again, with disdain. Was he bitter? Absolutely. Hurt? He bets on his sweet ass he was hurt. Who had never felt a part of their heart break at rejection. He asked himself every question he could think of, what, why, how come, and then his sadness turned to anger. That's the favorite part. It drove him, fed him, and made one hell of a story.

Stepping forward he felt the air of his room hit his skin, and a fluttering sensation pressed against his body as he saw the sleeping figure of Lia on his bed.

He inhaled deeply and sighed at the pleasant smell. The scent that permeated the room was so luscious, so full and vibrant - Lia's scent. Cherry blossoms and vanilla floated through the air mixed with something heady and spicy, ending on a single sweet but citrus high note that would have made his mouth water. It was intoxicating, and he inhaled it desperately feeling the rush that went through his veins with each molecule of this delicious scent hitting his taste buds and senses.

Beneath the fire that built through his body there was no burn, nothing that caused him the constant discomfort that he had grown used to. It was a fire that licked through him and seduced rather than tortured. He opened his eyes to see Lia's sleeping form twisted in the sheets. They were pulled up around her chin but her hand had slipped to the surface.

His eyes no longer saw her features in an innocent light. This girl before him had always sparked something in his being that made his skin tingle at the thought of her touch. Her hand sat so carefully on the top of the cotton cover, her skin seeming to glow in the dim moonlight that came from a slit in her curtains.

He couldn't control his actions. His mind was fueled by something so raw and primal, he didn't stand a chance to control it in this instant. His  hand reached for her and the silky texture mixed with the heat of her sent shivers to settle at the pit of my stomach. He had never experienced something like this before he met her, and it was much obvious sensation. Lust. Pure and unadulterated. All consuming and raging.

He could feel her pulse vibrating through the thin barrier of her skin. Each contraction of her heart sent new waves of scent that sent him into a frenzy. Her heartbeat pounded through her ribcage and reverberated through the soft flesh of her breasts. And there she sleeps, dreaming about god knows what looking like an angel.

She murmured incoherently in her sleep and turned to face him fully. He smiled as her head lolled back to her side and she touched her nose with the back of her hand. Her hands formed paw-like structures and her nose was red, probably from the heat of the blanket. He hesitantly put an arm around her, knowing that he was cold and could ease her discomfort. To him, she was small & warm. So fragile yet helping.

'Why did I do that?' He thought to himself while brushing her hair away from her face, thinking about the day when he verbally abused her. He smiled as she pressed her face against his cold chest and moaned in appreciation. Her dark hair, parted sharply flowed down to her thighs. Her lips were bow-like and pink & skin that had never seen sunlight. He noticed her. And noticed and kept noticing. It wasn't polite to stare. Not at girls. Or anyone. But especially not women. He thought and diverted his gaze elsewhere.  But she turned to face him once again. 

She held onto his shirt, as though it were her anchor. Her hands clenched the fabric in her fists and she placed her chin on his shoulder. The back of her head was pressed against his neck and her nose was nestling itself into the exposed skin of his upper back. She felt so fragile in his arms, in a delicate way. He chuckled silently to himself as she made a whiny sound when he shuffled a bit. He tried to look away, and focused on the forest outside the glass wall.

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