Chapter - 7

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Edward's eyes danced with happiness. You know, in which you feel giddy and just want to skip around the house? He felt like a god damned orgy. Just the thought of Lia in their house made him jumpy. He felt like a four year old girl, with pigtails jumping around as she got her candy. He felt so elated at that moment, that he was internally jumping up and down, whooping all the while and grinning. And not to mention, that Lia would be much safer with him and his family, protecting her. The mere thought of her being hurt, in any way made him shiver in fear. Fear not for himself, but for her.

But did she loved him as much as he loved her? Will things ever be the same again? Hell no. Did she loved him too? Or has she moved on? He chastised himself to not think much on this matter. And why would a girl, who has got a brain (which she uses often), will love a guy who broke her heart,twice? He ruined all the chances of them being together EVER AGAIN the day he said those deleterious words to her. Whenever he thought of those days, a scowl formed upon his face. He basically blamed her of :-

1) Cheating on him

2) Being a whore

3) Being the clingy, annoying girlfriend who needs protection all the time

4) Being ungrateful of what she was getting

And now, all he could do was feel sorry for his spoiled ass. He knew that she wasn't cheating on him, but a part of him was human - he would make mistakes, he would make wrong decisions and the vampiric part of him would feel the emotions, much more intensely. Yes, he would become insanely jealous, protective, possessive and obsessed to the point that Lia might leave him, but it isn't his mistake. Vampires do feel this way when it comes to their mates. If it would've been any other ordinary person, they wouldn't give two shits. But it was their mate, they are bound to worry for them, protect them. NO , NO. They are not bound to do that, it's just as a reflex action. It doesn't comes out intentionally, it is something that the undead heart of a vampire tells them to do. Love them, protect them.

Lia on the other side was still recovering from the shock. The staccato of losing him, getting him back, leaving him, then again getting back to him was mind-boggling. The feelings that sizzled through her body were so strong, that she had to cross her arms over her chest to stop herself from touching him. The coldness of his body was enticing to her. She had almost forgot the coldness of his touch, she was a human, you know. She'd forget things, we all do. And for humans, most of the times, touch was a mediocre thing. But the things that are often ignored or are categorized as mediocre, are the things that make our lives extraordinarily beautiful. Lia knew this, she never forgot the feelings that buzzed through her being, whenever Edward touched her. She just got used to live without them. And she'll miss them forever, as life will continue till she dies.

Lia knew how dangerous this situation could be for her. And she knew how Edward's presence was unhealthy for her heart. This sudden....appearance of Edward in her life was eccentric to her. Also, she was going to face her former suitor more and more in the future. Yeah, weird. She couldn't even stand near him. How would she survive months in Forks when she couldn't even look at him without blushing. She was quite sure that she looked like a beetroot.

She suddenly needed Ronan to ease her nerves and that's what she thought to do, after reaching home. Sleeping with Ronan got her mind out of everything else. But Ronan, he was being quite irritating. Whenever he saw her with another man, he'd come over, put an arm around her waist and wouldn't let her go. As if she was his territory, not an unclaimed one. So, Ronan wasn't an option. Maybe Nicolas? Yeah.

But once again, her thoughts wandered over to Edward. She found herself comparing her lovers to Edward. Her lovers made her feel hot, Edward made her feel loved. Her lovers wanted her body, Edward wanted her heart. Her lovers touches were forceful and disgusting - they groped her. Edward's touch was loving and gentle - he caressed her. Get your shit together, Lia! You're only making it worse! I'm acting like a sick, desperate teenager.

"Carlisle, we can't come back to move back to Forks just now. Give us some time, a few weeks maybe?" Bella asked as she hopefully looked at Carlisle. Lia sighed in relief and Edward's eyes blazed. Lia was not very keen to go back to Forks, she never wanted to face her former life again. She cringed visibly, thinking of her younger self. Edward was feeling like a kid whose candy was snatched away from him. And only one word could describe what he was feeling right then - fury.

"Why do you need a few weeks? We can help you with the packing, and then we shall go."

Edward couldn't wait to have Lia in his home again. Even after all those years, his room still smelt like her, but it was fading all too soon. He wanted more of her scent and it saddened him when all he could detect was the traces of her scent.

Bella sighed and pointed a finger at Edward and, spoke to him like he was a child who just stole his favorite pack of chips.

"You, Mr. Sparklypants are very annoying. We have work to do here, which I might add, we can't just leave," Bella sighed exasperatedly and looked at Edward, as if he was the stupidest person that had ever existed on earth. "Give us some time, we will have to explain the reason for our leave, okay? And dude, calm down. You look constipated."

"Yeah, I have to run a few errands too," said Lia nodding her head in agreement. Edward looked at Lia and wondered what these few 'Errands' were. He was just curious, unlike the last time in which he decided to just presume things.

"Sure. But I'm going to stay here, with you," said Edward in his infamous 'You better not argue with me on this' tone. Carlisle nodded, thinking that this was a good idea. In this way, they could protect both of them and if anyone dared to touch them, they shall kill the person/vampire immediately.

"Fine," said Bella huffing out a breath, already knowing that she wasn't going to win the argument, especially when it is against her sister's admirer. Edward's possessiveness for Lia was cute, according to Bella. She thought that she was the only one who could be that protective, when it came to Lia, but no. Edward took protectiveness to a whole new level, which was justified because Bella was very protective of Jacob too. The supernaturals could fall in love once, twice, thrice and infinite times with the same person. But never would they fall out of love with them.

At that moment, the phone's ring pierced the silence and Lia's heart rose to her throat. It was her phone and she knew who the caller was. She darted towards the ground near Bella and grasped her phone in her hand hurriedly. She tried to speak and her voice sounded breathless and strained to her.

"Lia honey, you okay?"

Her pulse skipped, hearing her name through his lips. Like echoes across a canyon, the familiar voice reverberated through the line.

"Nicolas?" She studied her throbbing skin and nibbled on her bottom lip, a habit that had developed years ago.

"Yeah, it's me Lia. Now tell me, are you okay? I've been waiting for your call."

She took a deep breath, clutched her phone more tightly and her heart thudded so loudly against ribcage, that she was sure that her bones might break because of it. "It's a long story. I can't talk about it right now."

"It's okay, babe. I'll call you in the morning, all right?"

"Umm..sure. Good night, Nick."

"Night babe. Call me if you need anything. I'll be there."

Lia ended the call with a sigh and smiled slightly, as she thought of Nicolas' worry for her. He sounded genuinely concern, just as he was on their first meeting. They met outside the Culver's office, when Nicolas didn't knew who Lia was. He just came to sign a deal with Bella. Lia was walking out of the office when she tripped down. Her foot got caught in between a carpet and Nicolas just happened to be there. He saw as Lia tripped down and immediately sprinted towards her. He kindly offered her his hand and helped her up. That's when it all started. He brought her flowers and as they became business partners, their relationship strengthened. They never came dated because, they understood each other's need of space and Nicolas told her that he would be there, whenever she'll need him. This was one of the many things that she liked about Nicolas. He was a kind person - just the kind of man she would've dated, if her mind wasn't preoccupied by a certain Cullen. He wasn't abusive nor very demanding. With Edward, she felt suffocated but Nicolas, he gave her space & freedom, as much as she wanted. She'd have to date someone to move on and Nicolas was the best option. She was willing to give him a chance and that's what she would do.

"Who was he?"

The voice of Edward asked quietly from beside her.

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