Chapter 1

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"I can't do it" I whined. "Yes you can it's not that hard" Colby said as he helped me stay on the skateboard. I was at the skatepark with my best friend Colby. He's four years older than me and yet we feel one in the same. He's "trying" to teach how to ride his skateboard even after I told him it wasn't going to end well. "Why don't you just show me how you ride? Maybe that'll help me." It's not that i don't want to learn it just that he's really good at it.

We ended up taking a break and grabbed a bite to eat. As we sat down waiting for someone to take our order. Colby said he had something really important to tell me. It seemed pretty serious. Wait why am I getting nervous? I can feel my palms sweating. Why am I acting like this? Just shake it off Audrey. "Hey are you ok? You look sweaty." Colby asked. Oh my gosh he noticed! Why do I even care? "Let go to my place you look tired we can just take this to go. Ok?" I nodded my head. We took the food and went to his house. He was 19 so he had his own place and everything.

I was tired so he let me take a nap. "Hey you wanted to tell me something earlier right?" I asked. So curious about the news he has to share. "I'll tell you later, get your rest" He laughed as he took his food in went to his room.

It was seven at night when I woke up. There was a light on down the hall into his room. I heard him talking on the phone with someone but i can't tell who. He started laughing, saying I miss you and I wish you were here.

I wonder who this mystery person is. Is that what he wanted to talk to me about. I'm feeling something that I never felt before. Am I jealous? No way. It's probably just his mom. Yeah it's his mom. Every since he came to LA with me he talks about is family all the time. If it isn't his mom than who can it be?

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