Chapter Six: Close to Nature

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A/N: Chapter song is "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'N Roses

"I was thinking something less sketchy."

Murphy smirked as Jamie crossed her arms tightly across her chest, staring at the place Finn suggested they crash for the night.

"Can't we sleep in the woods like normal people?"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Murphy." Jamie took a step closer to Finn. "Finn, seriously, this place is creepy."

Finn ran a hand through his hair, a frown prominent on his face. "This isn't that bad for a few hours. And it'll protect us from what could be in the woods. We don't know what's out there!"

"Yeah, and that hasn't stopped us before! We've slept outside and been perfectly fine can't we just do that again? This place seriously gives me the creeps!" Jamie backed away from Finn, closer to the woods.

Although it was just a deserted bunker, the place had seen some serious use. Supplies were scattered everywhere and there were cobwebs littering every wall. The skeleton in the corner is really what gave the place its charm.

Murphy nodded, gesturing to the door of the bunker. "Come on man, let's just go."

Finn sighed and finally nodded in agreement. He turned around and stormed through the door, pushing past Jamie in the process.

She scoffed and threw her hands up in exasperation. "Oh, I'm sorry! Was I in your way?"

Murphy chuckled lightly at her theatrics as she stormed after Finn.

"Calm down Space Walker, we still have quite the trek ahead of us. We'll get there in time." Jamie gently grabbed Finn's hand and pulled him around to face her in hopes she could calm him down.

His eyes lifted to hers and she had to bite her lip to keep from gasping at the intensity behind his gaze. She hadn't seen this look before. Not from Finn.

"Finn." She whispered, caressing his hand as she stepped closer to him. "You need to remember who you are through all of this. Believe me, I know it's hard but if you lose yourself on the way then it won't matter if we find them."

His gaze softened and his eyes misted as he nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry Spunk. I'm here, I'm okay so...let's do this." He started walking to a small clearing in between some trees and Jamie sighed, following after.

Her eyes analyzed him as he sunk slowly to the ground, dropping his head in his hands. His shoulders bowed in and there was a very prominent frown on his face. This wasn't Finn. Everything about this man was so different than the Finn she had gotten to know from their time on Earth and her heart clinched at the possibility of losing him.

Murphy gathered some wood for a small fire and the trio sat down around it, all focused on the flames. There was a calmness over them that Jamie hadn't felt in a while. Not since before the grounders attacked the dropship. Before they had been separated from all the others.

And even though she felt somewhat calm sitting by the fire she couldn't help the blush that spread through her when she thought about all the nights that her and Bellamy shared by the fire after everyone else had gone to sleep.

As Jamie's tired eyes watched the flames dance before her, her gaze flickered up to Finn again. He had deep purple bags under his eyes and his hair was disheveled as he stared absently at the flames. She met Murphy's gaze then as she noticed the boy had been watching her. She arched a brow at him and Murphy subtly nodded to Finn, arching his own brow. She took in a deep breath before nodding back, her sad gaze returning to Finn.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora