Chapter Sixteen: Hands United by War

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A/N: Chapter song is "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" by Jasmine Thompson. Please pay attention to the warning later on in the chapter!!


Jamie's hands hung high above her head, bound to a wooden pole once again in another grounder village. Her eyes were sealed shut and her fists were clinched as she tried her best to block out Bellamy's pained screams. She knew he would fight for her. She knew he would try to save her. She also knew there wasn't anything he could do. She only hoped the others could help him now.

Her stomach bubbled with nausea as she thought about what was to come. This same fate is what Finn had escaped and she just willingly threw herself into it. She spared a quick glance over at her friends, eyes immediately locking on Bellamy's. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched Kane forcefully holding him back while Lincoln made sure Octavia and Abby wouldn't intervene. She closed her eyes tightly once again and refocused her attention to those in front of her.

She took in a deep breath and her eyes slowly opened as Lexa started quietly whispering something. The young commander stood directly in front of Jamie with one hand gripping her sword's hilt tightly. Her eyes were fierce and calculating as she stared at Jamie, her lips fluttering as she quietly spoke to herself. Her eyes finally hardened and refocused so that it appeared she was actually seeing the blonde before her.

"Why are you doing this, Jaymes? I know you would not try to kill me like that." Lexa spoke fast and quiet, eyes quickly glancing behind her to confirm that Jamie was the only one who could hear her.

"Raven didn't either."

Lexa studied her a second longer before giving the girl a small nod. "It is a shame it has to be this way. You and your friend are the only ones that have ever escaped our camps before. It is a waste to have it end like this." Jamie couldn't help but think she saw a bit of regret in the young commander's eyes as she spoke.

Lexa took in a slow, shallow breath before taking a small step closer to Jamie. "I take no joy in this, Jaymes, but this time justice will be done." Her voice was much louder and stronger as she spoke and her words sent chills down Jamie's spine.

Lexa's eyes remained on Jamie's as she raised her blade, slicing the first mark on Jamie's arm. Blood instantly started streaming down from the wound and Jamie bit her lip to keep from screaming as Lexa stepped back.

Jamie's eyes hardened as Indra stepped forward with a small smirk on her lips. "I've been waiting for this." She muttered, yanking Jamie's shirt up slightly. She raked her blade across the sensitive skin on Jamie's stomach and she couldn't help the scream that came out.

Time seemed to crawl by as grounder after grounder continued to step forward with their blades raised. Slice after slice Jamie felt her life being drained from her as her mind raced for a way out of this torturous end. She let her head drop against the wooden pole behind her, doing anything she could to get her thoughts focused on escaping somehow. Every new cut however, brought her right back to her slow and painful death.

The first memory she had of being hurt popped into her head then, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks as she thought of her father.

Her arms tightened around Jake's neck as he ran her back to Abby. He had his own arms wrapped around her, carrying her bridal style, as he raced down the halls of Alpha station.

"It's okay Jaymes, it'll be okay. Your mom will make it all better." His voice was a harsh whisper as tears steadily streamed down the twelve-year-old girl's face. His heart pounded furiously in his chest as he held her tight against him, eyes wide in panic.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora