Chapter Fourteen: May We Meet Again

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A/N: Warning for strong language and a major character death. Chapter song is "It Ends Tonight" by The All-American Rejects


Jamie followed Bellamy to B corridor where Finn and Clarke were hiding. "Finn." Bellamy looked around briefly before moving in closer to him. "You need to get out of here."

Clarke and Finn rose to their feet, ready to follow Bellamy and Jamie out. "Where would he go?" Clarke asked, fear making her voice hitch.

"The dropship." Bellamy quickly started retreating from B corridor but Clarke had other plans. "No! You know that this is the safest place for him right now!" Her pleading eyes shifted to Jamie and Jamie immediately shook her head in response. "It isn't if they're turning on him."

"We can protect him at the dropship until we figure this thing out." Bellamy called over his shoulder, returning to the mission at hand. Once they got further down the corridor Bellamy turned to address the group. "Grab your gear and meet at Raven's gate in five."

Jamie nodded in agreement, adding, "she's already working on cutting the power to the fence."

Finn nodded in reluctance, eyes meeting Jamie's. "Okay, but nobody's coming with me."

Before Jamie could reply, Bellamy leaned towards Finn. "This isn't up for discussion."

Clarke's fear filled eyes watched Jamie closely. "We're surrounded by grounders."

"If we split up, we take the low ground, we'll make it through." Jamie told her with a forced, reassuring smile.

"We'll meet at the dropship." Bellamy added, shifting in front of the group as a few men marched their way towards them.

Jamie immediately recognized the man leading the group as the one Raven attacked outside. "There he is! You are gonna get us killed!" As he charged forward Bellamy nailed him in the face with the butt of his rifle, dropping the man instantly.

"Bellamy's right, we have to go." Clarke urged Finn forward as Bellamy continued to stare down the rest of the group that had marched in with the fallen man. "Anyone else?" Bellamy asked, voice harsh.

When nobody moved Bellamy lightly placed his hand on Jamie's back and propelled her forward. They made their way outside, unseen, and quickly climbed under the gate. Jamie watched Finn take off, Clarke following, as Bellamy started pulling her along. "Come on, we don't have time to waste." His low voice sent chills down her spine and she eagerly nodded, following him into the woods.

They arrived at the dropship a short time later and Jamie couldn't help the pit of worry forming in her stomach as she took note that they were the first ones there. Ten minutes passed, Jamie stood positioned at the entrance with her gun ready, in complete silence. They heard someone approaching and Bellamy quickly moved to stand in front of her with his gun raised. Raven burst through the curtain, looking around in confusion. "Where are they? They should be here by now."

Jamie nodded in understanding, her own worry continuing to build but no words came to mind.

Another ten minutes passed with no one speaking as Raven paced back and forth. Once again Jamie found her eyes watching Raven as her nerves got the best of her. Raven stopped abruptly and poked her head out once again. "Still no sign of them."

Bellamy sighed and shook his head. "Where are they?"

"We shouldn't have split up." Raven muttered, hand running tiredly down her face.

Jamie and Bellamy both moved their guns up into position as they heard someone approaching. "Someone's coming." Bellamy stated, moving to stand in front of Jamie again.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora