Chapter Eight: Escaping Bad Decisions

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A/N: Chapter song is What I've Done by Linkin Park


Bellamy and Clarke led the group back to Camp Jaha as fast as they could in fear that the grounders might retaliate before they had backup. Jamie ran in between Finn and Octavia with an awkward silence plaguing their group. Finn had tried to talk to Clarke several times but the girl had no interest in the conversation.

As they continued running, Jamie thought back to the moment her and Clarke reunited just outside of the grounder village.

Jamie's eyes met Clarkes the second they moved behind the tree line. She ran to her cousin and pulled her to her, her arms wrapping around Clarke's neck as tightly as possible. "Where have you been?" Jamie whispered harshly to the girl.

Clarke took in a deep, shaky breath before she replied, still shaken by what she had just witnessed from Finn. "Mount Weather. We were all there, Jaymes. All of us." She pulled back to look at Jamie and offered the girl a small smile. "They were both okay when I left. We just have to get back to them and get them out as soon as possible."

Jamie's eyes instantly watered at the news. "Tell me more." Her heart swelled with temporary relief knowing that her brothers were okay. Monty and Jasper were together and alive.

"We have to go, we'll talk when we get back to camp." Bellamy told the girls, placing his hand lightly on Jamie's back to get them moving.

They continued on after that but those boys never left Jamie's thoughts. After all this time of wondering where Monty went and if they were okay the boys reunited and for now, were apparently safe in Mount Weather. They had food, beds, clean clothes and access to showers from what she heard Clarke tell Bellamy. Her heart filled with joy thinking about her boys and when she could reunite with them herself.

"What did I do?"

Jamie looked up at Finn after she heard the quiet whisper from beside her. "Its okay Finn, we can move on from this. She'll forgive you."

Finns haunted eyes flickered up to meet Jamie's gaze. "I don't deserve it. I killed people Jamie."

"Yeah, you did. You're a murderer now."

They both looked towards Octavia who was glaring at Finn.

"Don't say that." Jamie told the girl, narrowing her eyes slightly. Something she never thought she'd have to do to the younger Blake.

"It's true Jamie! He killed so many innocent, helpless people back there! You can try to make him feel better but he needs to realize what he's done!"

The group stopped as Jamie turned towards the girl, shaking her head as she did. "No! You can't say that! This isn't some random person we're talking about, its Finn! He's always been here for us and now its our turn to be there for him."

"Come on, don't do this now." Bellamy stepped in between the girls with a soft plea, looking from one to the next.

"Octavia is right."

They all turned towards Clarke as she broke her silence, still refusing to look at Finn.

"Eventually we're all going to have to face the consequences of this night. From what he did."

"Oh, give me a break Princess!" Murphy spat out, stepping towards Clarke. "This all happened because he was looking for you!" He had venom in his tone as he looked down on the shaken blonde and Jamie looked around at the group in shock. Were they really all turning on each other now?

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora