Chapter Seventeen: Reunited at Last

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A/N: Chapter song is "Wish You Were Here" by Avril Lavigne.

Jamie’s hands trembled on the cold bars of the cage, eyes eagerly waiting for the boy next to her to move. She forced her hand through the bars once more, barely fitting through the hole with the only broken bar. Her fingers lightly grazed his shoulder, trailing up to his hair once again. “Mon?” Her voice wavered as the boy remained still but she didn’t stop. Her hand dropped to his shoulder and shook him gently enough not to hurt him but hard enough to wake him up.

He gasped and backed away from her touch, eyes wide in shock as he tried to figure out where he was and what was happening.

“Mon! Hey, it’s okay! It’s just me!” Jamie pulled her hand back through and gripped the bars tightly, waiting for him to calm down and look at her.

He was huddled as best as he could be in the corner opposite her, fighting to regain his breath. His eyes stared out, unseeing, at the space in front of them.

Jamie studied him as he worked to calm down and her heart clinched in pain and anger as she took him in. His eyes were sunken in with dark bags underneath and his skin paler than she’d ever seen him. Her hands tightened on the bars separating them and she pulled herself as close to Monty as possible. “Mon, look at me."

As if realizing who was talking to him, Monty snapped his head towards Jamie. His breathing stuttered to a stop as his eyes met hers. He lunged to the side of the cage and his long, thin fingers gripped hers on the cold bars. “Birdie.” He breathed. His dark gaze studied hers as he tried to convince himself this was real, that she was here and okay.

Her eyes watered as her fingers gripped his. The corner of her mouth lifted into a small smile as Monty leaned his head against the bars, eyes still focused on hers. “You came for us.” He whispered.

A tear trailed down her cheek as she rested her head against the same bars as him. She smiled when she noticed that he said “us” and not just “me”. Rationally, she knew he was probably referring to all forty-seven of them but she’d like to think he meant himself and Jasper. After all, that had been the “us” most of her life.

“I would never leave you guys behind. Next time I’ll execute the plan a bit better though.” She shrugged jokingly and a small smile appeared on his face.

Monty’s eyes quickly did a once over on her before his gaze returned to hers. “It’s been so long.” His voice was airy and light as she nodded and added, “so much has happened.”

He exhaled slowly before looking around the room. “Can’t say enough about how I’ve missed you.” His eyes flickered to a camera in the corner and she nodded in understanding, not daring to look for confirmation.

“Fill me in on everything you can.” Her hands still gripped the bars of the cage and her muscles all tensed in the cramped space. She couldn’t help the growing pit in her stomach and flutter of her heart beat as panic started sinking in. The claustrophobia building within her had her breaths coming out in short gasps but she still focused on everything Monty said. She found herself studying his every movement; from the nervous twitch of his fingers to the way his teeth constantly raked over his bottom lip, both habits he never used to have. It was obvious he had endured so much in her absence and that fact alone had rage boiling in her veins and her panic subsiding.

He shifted so he was resting against the wall, head bent forward as he started speaking. “I was the first one here. And then a few more joined, each individually. I didn’t think anyone else was going to join us when Jasper and Clarke got here with the others.” His eyes widened and he turned towards Jamie. “Clarke, she left, she got out—“

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