Chapter Seven: Can't Go Back Now

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A/N: Chapter song is "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus

Warning for strong language and extreme violence


The wind died down a little as Jamie jumped over another log. "What about turkey Tuesdays?" She asked, glancing at Murphy over her shoulder.

He smirked as he climbed over the log she just jumped off. "Are you kidding me? I loved turkey Tuesdays! And the um little chocolate pudding cup?"

Her smile widened as she ducked under a branch, pausing to hold it up for Murphy to pass under. "I always gave my pudding cup to Jasper. He'd give me a little bit of turkey for it but I didn't care. It was worth seeing him eat it and get it all over himself."

Murphy stopped walking to watch the smile leave her face. "Hey, we'll find him."

Her eyes flickered back up to him and she nodded. "How about you slow down Space Walker? We'll get there."

Finn angrily flipped around to where he was facing them. "Slow down? We don't have time Jamie! I thought you of all people would understand that. I thought if anyone would get how important every second is it would be you. Instead you're walking through the woods joking around with Murphy about giving Jasper your pudding cup. Do you not get that he won't ever get another pudding cup if you don't get there in time?"

Murphy pushed him away from them, a scowl on his face. "You need to calm down Finn! We both want to find them too but that doesn't mean you can be hateful to the only people helping you! You have no right to talk to her like that, alright? All she has tried to do is help you!"

Finn shifted his narrowed gaze to Jamie's hostile one and he flinched back, not expecting the hostility from her.

"This," She gestured around them before continuing. "isn't about you! You can pout and kill people and everything you want but Finn, at the end of every day it's about finding them. You acting like a jerk won't help anything. Just so you know." She pushed past him and continued on, Murphy rushing to join her.

They walked in silence for another ten minutes until finally the camp came into sight.

The grounders moved around the camp with purpose as Jamie, Murphy, and Finn watched them from afar in the woods.

"I count twenty six."

Jamie glanced at Finn, muttering, "I got twenty eight."

"These people don't look like warriors." Murphy mumbled, not caring about how many grounders there were.

Jamie shifted slightly in between the two boys, eyes carefully searching the camp. "And there's kids."

"And old people." Murphy added, looking at Finn with an arched brow. "There's nothing big enough here to hold our friends."

Finn glanced at the two beside him and shook his head. "They could be underground." When neither of their expressions changed he continued. "We wait until dark and then we go in."

Jamie raised her eyebrows before turning to look at Murphy. He looked back at her with an equaled shocked expression before shaking his head at Finn. "We go in?" Doubt dripped from his words at Finn's ridiculous plan.

Finn's expression remained focused and unwavering so Jamie shifted closer to him. "Finn, we don't even know if our people are here yet."

"They're here." He replied immediately, eyes still on the camp.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora