Chapter Eighteen: Go Big or Go Home

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A/N: Chapter song is "Rise" by Katy Perry

Jamie, Jasper, and Monty were led into the large room where the rest of them were being held and all eyes were immediately on Jamie.

Her eyes quickly scanned the faces surrounding her trying to see who was missing as everyone started asking questions.

Jamie's thoughts were still lingering on everything the doctor had said about Jake, proving to be distracting for her. Everyone crowded around her, talking about her whereabouts since the drop ship and she couldn't focus on one word.

Jasper raised a hand to silence everyone as he continued guiding Monty and Jamie towards his bunk. “Guys, I know you have questions but we don’t have time for this! Let them get dressed and then we’ll talk!” He yelled out, effectively quieting the large group.

Jamie made her way to Harper’s side as the girl started changing.

There was a dark curtain hanging so no one could see them and Jamie helped Harper pull her shirt on, taking in everything around them as she did. “I have some clothes you can wear. Maya gave them to me.”

Jamie nodded, glancing around the curtain to see Monty and Jasper talking quietly with each other. Harper shoved clothes in her hands, regaining her attention. “Get dressed, we need to leave.”

Jamie quickly did as she was told before rejoining Monty and Jasper.

“All right, listen up!” She called out, gaining the attention of the group.

Jasper stepped closer to her as he continued, “there’s gonna be questions but there’s no time.
We’re getting out of here so pack your stuff!”

Fox was the first one to step forward, confusion furrowing her brow. “Wha…what are you talking about?”

“What, they’re just letting us go?” Miller asked with a roll of his eyes.

“Yes, right now before they change their minds.” Jasper replied easily, glancing at Jamie as he did.

“Jasper, what the hell is going on?” Fox pressed, not satisfied with the answers she received.

“They lied to us the whole time about everything! The Ark is on the ground and we’re not safe here. Do what he says.” Monty replied, gesturing to Jasper.

Jasper watched the group continue to stand there and with an exasperated wave he yelled out, “now!”

Everyone turned to start packing when an alarm began blaring overhead. Jamie turned to look at the doors as Jasper ran to them.

They had slammed shut and as she watched him pound on them, she knew they were already locked and they weren’t going home anytime soon. Monty stood shoulder to shoulder with her, eyes taking everything in just as she was. There were panicked screams all around them but they both silently watched, gathering as much intel as they could from where they stood.

Jasper stopped banging on the doors when he saw them, Bellamy and Maya. He slowly turned towards Jamie with wide eyes, speechless, trying to gesture to the door. He was so shocked to see them he stood there, watching as Jamie slowly made her way towards him. She placed her hands on his arms and arched her brow, concerned about his actions.

“Bellamy.” He finally forced out, nodding towards the doors.

Jamie’s eyes widened and she quickly made her way to the door. She looked around, frantically searching for any sign of him but he was already gone. She turned back to Jasper, crossing the space separating them. “Are you sure? You’re sure it was him?”

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora