Chapter Nine: Reapers Change the Game

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A/N: Chapter song is "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele. I apologize if there are any errors, all of my punctuation got removed when I pasted it into Wattpad. This happened on the last chapter too so editing isn't complete. This chapter is posted early because Rescue Me just hit 10k reads and I couldn't be happier about that! You guys are amazing and I hope you enjoy it! :)


Jamie walked in between Bellamy and Octavia, directly behind Abby and Clarke as they hiked through the woods towards Mount Weather. The air had gotten colder over the past few days and had Jamie pulling her coat tighter around her body as they trudged on.

Finn led the way and Murphy brought up the rear and for the most part the group was silent.

"I can't believe they let Finn come." Octavia mumbled, just loud enough for Jamie and Bellamy to hear.

Bellamy let out a quiet sigh before looking up at his sister. "He's the best tracker we've got."

Octavia rolled her eyes, not interested in hearing about that.

"Don't forget to look up! The grounders use the trees!" Bellamy called out, looking around their group. "That's how we lost John Mbege." He added quietly, catching Jamie's attention.

She shifted closer to them as they continued walking, looking up at him as she did. "You couldn't have stopped that."

He shrugged, eyes remaining focused on the path ahead. "I decided to make myself the leader right when we landed so every death...every single one we've lost..." He shook his head before slowly turning to look at Jamie. "That's on me."

"You're so dramatic sometimes." Jamie immediately replied with a smirk on her face.

Bellamy let out a small laugh before lightly pushing her. "This is why I like you. When I'm having my own pity party you're the one to pull me away from it and force me back into reality."

"I try. That whole woe is me thing doesn't really suit you anyway." She smiled at him before returning her attention to her mother and Clarke just in front of them. They hadn't spoken too much to each other and when Abby attempted it seemed Clarke gave her short answers. Jamie could tell at one point Abby was frustrated with her daughter before realizing why she was behaving the way she was. It wasn't as though they forgot what happened in the grounder village so much as they were focused on the task ahead at Mount Weather now.

"You were right to have me bring them."

Jamie shifted closer to her mother and cousin as Abby spoke, trying yet again to converse with Clarke.

Clarke glanced at Jamie over her shoulder before replying. "Don't worry." Jamie could hear the sarcasm in Clarke's voice just from those two words and tensed as she awaited the rest. "Your guards will get there."

Abby sighed and looked up at Clarke. "I know you're worried about Finn."

Jamie watched as Clarke stiffened even more and could basically feel the tension rolling off her cousin. "Thank you for voting to clear him." Clarke stated, not acknowledging what her mother said about being worried.

Abby nodded and glanced back at Jamie, well aware that the blonde was listening. "He thought he was rescuing his friends. The real question is, is he going to be able to clear himself?"

Jamie frowned knowing Abby was right. She had already had that conversation with Finn and she really didn't have an answer to if he'd be alright or not. She had no idea if this was something he could get past. Even if Clarke eventually did forgive him.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora