Chapter Twenty-One: Run With Me

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A/N: Chapter Song is "I Run to You" by Lady Antebellum.

Warning for violence in this one.

Jamie pulled on the door, brow furrowing as she looked at Bellamy. "That's the third one, it can't be a coincidence."

"Bellamy, come in." The radio crackled in Bellamy's pocket and he sighed as he pulled it out. "Yeah, I'm a little busy here, Raven."

"You missed check in. Did you find the source of the acid fog yet?"

He rolled his eyes at Jamie as he replied. "We're heading there now. It's taking longer than I thought."

"I don't know enough to crack it on this end. You gotta give me something."

Jamie took the radio as they continued down the hall, looking for another door that might let them in. "We're working on it Raven but something's wrong, the key card isn't working."

"That's not good." Raven mumbled in reply.

Jamie could hear the reluctance in Raven's tone and knew the mechanic had the same thought she did. They knew they were here now.

"We need to find another way in. We'll call you back." Bellamy replied, taking the radio back from Jamie. He shoved it back in his pocket as one of the other doors burst open and two guards ran out. They looked over at Bellamy and Jamie and raised their weapons.

"Stay right there! Hands in the air!" He pulled his radio up and spoke quickly and quietly. "Eastbound, in pursuit of the targets. It's not Lovejoy, repeat it's not Lovejoy. Jamie is with him."

Jamie's eyes widened and she took off running down the hall opposite the guards, Bellamy right behind her.


"Split up!" One of the guards yelled, running down a different set of stairs than the other guard.

Their footsteps echoed through the hall, the time to be quiet long passed.


The guards continued chasing after them but they were faster. Jamie was just barely ahead of Bellamy, slightly faster despite her shorter legs, and he took full advantage of keeping his eye on her while they ran. His hands gripped the bars right behind hers, helping to propel himself up the stairs.

Alarms started blaring above them as they ran through the large machine room and Jamie flinched as the guards shot at them.

The radio beeped in Bellamy's pocket and he groaned quietly, eyes locking on the spot towards the back of the room where Jamie was heading. They finally distanced themselves from the guards and the closest one's radio beeped, "going down to base level." The guard said quietly, running down the stairs Jamie and Bellamy had just come from.

They both dove behind the wall and waited for the guard to get closer. As soon as he came close enough Jamie threw her elbow up into his face. He dropped to the ground and cradled his blood-stained face in his hands. Bellamy reached forward and quickly grabbed the guard's key card as Jamie grabbed his gun. She used the gun to hit the guard in the face, instantly stilling him.

"Go, go!" She whispered urgently, flipping away from the guard's body. The guard's radio crackled then, the other guard's voice came through loud and clear. "Keep your eyes open! Garza, do you see them? What's your status?" A moment passed in silence as Jamie and Bellamy quietly backed away. "Do not lose sight of them, Cage wants her brought to him alive!"

Bellamy lightly gripped Jamie's arm and pulled her to the nearest door. "Come on." He whispered, swiping the card and opening the door for her. He looked around and lightly pushed her forward, over the threshold of the door. Once inside they both paused to catch their breath.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora