Chapter Ten: Watching the Reaper

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A/N: Hello all, sorry about this taking so long to get posted. I've had some family stuff that's been pretty time consuming and been emotionally unable to write anything. I appreciate your patience and I hope this was worth the wait! Chapter song is "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson.


Several hours passed of Bellamy and Jamie carrying, more like dragging, Lincoln in between them. They each had his arms pulled over their shoulders while Octavia led the way, keeping an eye out for unwanted visitors.

"You doing okay?" Bellamy's voice came out raspy with effort as his exhaustion crept in. He couldn't imagine how the small blonde felt carrying just as much weight as he was especially considering how dehydrated she probably was by this point.

Jamie looked up at him and nodded, pulling Lincoln farther up her shoulder once again. Her body was exhausted yes, but more pressing was the thirst creeping into her throat. She had realized she was thirsty after they first started to bring Lincoln back but there was nothing any of them could do about it since they'd lost their packs in the dark garage. Bellamy had nearly begged them to let him reach the group and get some water but they both dismissed him, claiming they'd get farther if they didn't have to wait for him and time certainly wasn't on their side at the moment.

So many things circulated through Jamie's mind as they continued walking to the dropship, Bellamy's idea, and she surprised herself for not focusing solely on the unconscious man hanging limply in between her and Bellamy. She couldn't help it though. Her thoughts kept drifting to their friends in Mount Weather that were continually being put on hold as something else popped up. First, the incident with Finn had them rushing back to camp and now Lincoln. Jamie wondered idly if they were ever going to make it to Mount Weather despite that being the only thing she wanted.

After hours of silence Octavia finally turned towards the two following her. "Do you really think we can fix him?" Her eyes were on Lincoln but Jamie replied easily.

"He had to have been injected with some kind of drug that turned him into this. That's the only way they could have gotten him like this overnight. So, we have to let the drugs get out of his system and he should be Lincoln again." She spoke with much more confidence than she felt and Octavia immediately accepted her answer, turning back once more.

Bellamy glanced at Jamie with an arched brow and she shrugged slightly, admitting that she wasn't sure this would work. He nodded at her with a frown on his face, refocusing his attention on his distressed sister.

It was dark once they finally made it back to the dropship and Jamie's stomach rolled with nausea. So much had changed since they were last here looking for the others. Thankfully they knew where their friends were now but with everything that had happened with Finn since then...

Jamie was pulled from her thoughts as they moved towards the deserted dropship. The darkness surrounding them seemed eerie considering the circumstance but there was still enough daylight to see everything just fine.

Octavia stuck her head inside the dropship before turning back towards Bellamy and Jamie. "It's clear." She nodded over her shoulder before stepping inside, pulling the curtain back for them to bring Lincoln in.

Bellamy surveyed the space before leading them over to one of the support beams. Jamie took in a staggered breath as she realized which support beam...the one Murphy had tried to hang Bellamy on. She looked at him in surprise as he focused on getting Lincoln secured to the beam as if this was all normal. He seemed so unaffected by all of this that Jamie let a small smile slip on her face as she watched him. She admired his strength and wished she could have the same willpower he did to just continue on, unfazed by everything that was happening. That could all just be a cover though.

Saving Me 》 Bellamy Blake {Book Two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora