Starry Night

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My eyes grew wide. Like I had just seen a ghost. It was appealing.. Yet disturbing. Not that disturbing because for some reason, I feel like I've seen A LOT of blood before and I just don't mind blood. The expression on her face was Lifeless. Literally. She fell to the ground face first. Colby and Sabrina were behind her. Colby held a ninja pose -so he threw the dagger- and Sabrina just looked like she was scarred for life. So was Poppy. Hope was still unconscious but Poppy ran over to aid her. I looked at the corpse that lied before me.

"Wow.. Colby..."

"Guess you can say thanks?"

"EXCUSE ME YOU JUST MURDERED A PERSON!!! AND YET YOU ARE SOOO CALM ABOUT THIS?!" Sabrina hysterically screamed. The sound of feet scrambling filled the cold crisp air.

"She said guild.... THAT MEANS THERE'S MORE OF THEM!!!!" Poppy said while trying to drag Hope around.

"We gotta get out of here... NOW!!!! THIS DID NOT HOLD ANY ANSWERS!!!" I demanded.

"Lets go!!"

"What about Hope?!" Poppy asked urgently.

"Uhhhh..." We turned to Colby. He's the stongest one... Sooo...


"FINE I'LL CARRY HER!" I said as we didn't have ANY time to loose. I ran over to Hope's unconscious body and carried her on my back like a sack.

"OKAY NOW LET'S GO!!!" The sound of feet running came from the way we went in. Luckily, There was another way out. Unfortunately, there were several ways out.

"Let's stick together. Most of them might be dead ends!" Suggested Sabrina. I ran through one passageway and the rest trailed my steps. The sound of feet splashing in the water addedon into the running feet on dry land. Then... Of course came stairs.

"This is the way up!!! Who's slow at climbing stairs?" Poppy asked. Everyone raised there hand. I wouldn't but... I have a person I'm giving a piggyback ride to.

"Fine fine. Sabrina and I will go up first. We cannot fight much so Colby and Cloudy, you guys stay behind!!!" I snarled at Poppy but went up anyway.

The stairs wre NEVERENDING and it seemed like it was going to go on and on and on and so on! Until, we saw stars stuck to the tarmac black sky. Sabrina, Colby and I ran passed Poppy who was guarding the exit and making sure everyone made it. Everyone did. I threw Hope on the ground (Not that hard) because it was grassy then I took out some stone. Colby and Sabrina had the same idea too. We barricaded the exit with layers and layers of stone. Then Poppy dug some dirt and tried to cover up the stone to make it look more natural.

"Phew... We made.. It.." Huffed Poppy.

"Yeah. AND WE'RE ALIVE!" Sabrina said happily.

"It was my idea and I helped out a lot!" Poppy bragged.

"No... I helped out way more then you!"

"No, I did!"

"I DID!" Then this turned into one of those sisterly battles. They started tackling each other while arguing while Colby sat down a few meters away from Hope -who was still unconscious- and had his knees up and his arms relaxing on them. I plonked down in between them while sitting slanted on my legs. We watched the two sisters go at each other and chuckled.

"Man, sisters. Siblings always fight don't they eh?"

"Yeah." I laughed.

"I'm gonna get some firewood. You set up the tent."

"Sleeping under the stars! Great!!" I smiled. He stood up and chopped down some trees surrounding us. I took out my backpack which had some fences and wool in it. For a BIG tent. My sleeping bag was in my bag as well.

Once everything was set up and the sisters calmed down, everyone (still excluding Hope) took out their sleeping bags and placed them in the tent. The siblings fell asleep quickly and Colby started the fire. I took out Hope's sleeping bag, placed it and dragged her into bed. Colby didn't come and stayed by the fire.

"H-hey." I said.


"We doing shifts?"

"No, I can keep guard."

"I'm doing second shift." I declared. He looked at me.


My MC Diary - Ocelot Rise {Unedited}Where stories live. Discover now