My MC Diary

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My name is Cat_Girl_28. But everyone calls me Cloudy. I live in the village of Erelle ruled by HapPyISdOG.

Right now, I'm in the wild, running like a headless chicken. Not really, I'm camping beneath the stars. Some of friends are with me. Colby, Sabrina, Poppy and Hope. Their all helping me find my past! We're all (excluding Hope) guards of Erelle and HapPy lets us go to find my past. We're in the forest that separates the WHOLE region of Minecraftia. I, am just a clueless cat. I don't know my past at all. Hope was with me in the past but she wouldn't tell me anything like anything at all. So I guess we are on a quest to find out what happened to me. Sigh. Hope's unconscious anyway. Everyone is sleeping except me. It's my watch shift now. That's why I made this diary. To keep me not bored. Also to list stuff down; any new findings. Like today... We stumbled across a guild called the Endermite Guild. I'm not so sure about them but all of nearly got murdered today. If Colby hadn't killed her, I think we would either be dead or held hostage. Yeah... That was probably the first time I had witnessed murder... Or was it? I don't know my past so I can't be so sure. My mom's dead... That's what Hope told me anyway. She says my dad's still alive and well. She's a guard of the kingdom. The Kingdom of Pisces West. She says I'm bound to become QUEEN OF THE REGION!!! AND I DON'T WANT TO!!! She ALSO says that I was SUPER HYPED to be queen of the region. Too bad. I'm not anymore. I'm not really ready to show myself to everyone just yet. My name (as everyone knows) is Cloudy the Golden Warrior. That's Lady to them....


"Colby!! I-I thought you were asleep!! I left you asleep when I took over the watch and you just... Fell to the grass!"

"Doesn't mean I don't sleep with one eye open!" He smirked.

"What is your problem bruh?" I quickly hid my diary in my bag and he looked at me like I was drooling in my sleep or something.


"N-nothing." He stuttered. I glared at him.

"Yeah... Right. I totally believe you, Colby." I stood up and walked up to him and glared at him. Right through his soul.

"Dang it!" He suddenly said,

"Dang what?" I said sassily.

"Uh... Nothing. Yeah nothing at all!" Things are going to be real awkward between me and him. There's just this thing, between me and him. I feel like Hope knows it but she wouldn't tell me.

"Colby, I'm not stupid. I know there's something you're hiding from me.. Even us..." I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at my hand then I kicked him.


"Shut up, you're gonna wake everyone else up you know?" He glared at me. I glared at him back. From what seemed like a long time, he cracked a grin. I couldn't resist but smile. Then we started laughing quietly and I slapped him silly. Then he slapped me back.






"I DUNNO!!" We both started laughing again.

"Would you two SHUT UP?!" Hope shouted at us.

"Hope!!!" Colby couldn't stop laughing. "Your Alive!!!" Hope looked like she was going to beat the crap outta Colby as she glared at him. Colby got nervous and hid behind. I kicked him down on the ground and I smiled at. Soon, the whole night became a tackling, tickling and eventful night.

My MC Diary - Ocelot Rise {Unedited}Where stories live. Discover now