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Colby's POV:

After trying to calm HapPy down as call off TNTing Carly and Carlo, Hope decided to take HapPy out for a "walk" by luring him over with a bone. I noticed Cloudy sort of drift off. When Hope and HapPy left, Cloudy left the tent too. I followed her back up to where the river was. The very river we had turned into cats. She sat down.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"There's no point in saying nothing because... You already know there's something going on." She said with her head down.

"So..? What's going on?" I asked again.

"What if we do have to go into war. I'm under so much pressure right now! I have to master magic and I can't do that in just a day!"

"We can always buy you more time."

"Yes but what if Carly just suddenly attacks???" Man she's hard to talk to.

"Okay what is really going on? C'mon. Cloudy is great at handling stress!!" She didn't reply. Was it something I said?

"Have I ever told you..." My ears perked up.

"Told me what?" I said almost too excitedly.

"That your voice sounds really weird?"

"Oh." She laughed. At least I brought her back.

"Hah, I needed that. Hope told me how your voice sounded weird but I can bear with it." I really wished it was sundown but it's spring 11am right now. Great. I should have overslept.

"But in all seriousness though. There's something going on in your head."

"You know... I really liked Carlo but to turn out that he's evil! It's just sad..." She sounded depressed. How I wanted to tell her to snap out of it, Carlo wasn't that good looking anyway and that I really liked her... (Okay most people were telling me to do a Coldy ship so fine *cough* PopTartz315 *cough* so here it goes. It's just a sentence >:))

That I was in love with her.


I wanted to tell her that but finding out the one that she liked was evil is not a very nice feeling. Like how I would I react if I found out that SHE was EVIL.

"Hey... It's fine. I'm sure you'll find someone else that IS NOT evil and returns your feelings!" *cough cough me*

"Really?" She looked hopeful.


"WHAT, are you two losers doing?" Hope said from behind. HapPy was busy snarling down the remains of beef.

"Uh mourning over Carlo?" I said. Cloudy hit me on the head.

"I see." She glared at me.

"HapPy, you lead Cloudy back to the base." He nodded happily. Hope and I trailed behind. She was glaring at me.


"I see you there."


"Don't you lay a finger on my Cloudy."

"What you love her?" I asked stupidly. She hit me on the head except harder than Cloudy. What is this a best friend thing going on up in here?

"You know I'm in love with her but I can't tell her." She hit me harder than before that my face fell in the dirt. Hope was laughing her head off.

"Shut up." I said as I wiped off dirt on her dress.

"Ew. You're gross. No wonder she can never return your feelings."

"HEY!" I looked at Cloudy and she was slightly smiling at me and Hope. I guess Hope hitting me is what makes her happy. Also, I'm still wondering how HapPy and Cloudy are even relatives. Unbelievable. I mean a cat and dog. How. Just how. I bet Hope is wondering about that too. Because even after memory gain both Cloudy and Hope don't know how Cloudy's even related.

My MC Diary - Ocelot Rise {Unedited}Where stories live. Discover now