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A/N: From here on out, I'm addin POV's to the story, yes it's MY MC Diary but now, everyone has their own MC Diary :P

Cloudy's POV:
Everyone (the gang) woke up early the next morning. We gathered around wood blocks, which Hope calls "the table" and HapPy laid out the plan.

"We'll have the villagers sent to another village, but we still don't know which one. Until we find a village that will accept us, we'll have to leave the villagers in a camp somewhere in the forest."

Poppy's POV:

"Hold on HapPy! Me and Sabrina's father... I remember! We're both Poppy and Sabrina of Nightwing! Our father was or is, the Lord of Nightwing! If we reveal ourselves from the many months that we have gone, I'm sure they'd let us, the people of Erelle, stay there until war dies down!" I said excitedly.
My full name is PopTartz315 (@PopTartz315) if I tell them my name, then in sure they'd recognize me!

"Then we have not a moment to loose. Poppy, Sabrina, go to Nightwing and convince your father to let our people stay and seek refuge in Nightwing!" HapPy barked.

"Yes, we will..." My sister said.

Soon enough, me and Sabrina were both holding maps and were at the gates of Erelle. All the severe was still there which caused me and my sister to cough and wheez a bit.

"Good luck convincing your father!" Colby shouted.

"Stay safe!" Hope shouted louder.

"GOOD LUCK AND STAY SAFE!!!!" Cloudy screamed the loudest. HapPy ducked in fear. We waved back at them and made our way to Nightwing.

Hope's POV:
Man, sometimes Cloudy gets too excited. She's always been like this. Even now she's 18.. Wow. She screams too much.

When we were younger, I like Colby. But I always knew that he like Cloudy way more. Ever since guard training, I ask ways talked to him until he was assigned to "The Unnamed Village". It was those few rare moments that Cloudy and Colby actually ever talked to each other. But when news spread the Cloudy died, Colby quickly accepted it. On the other hand, even though I hated Cloudy, she was still my best friend. You know, best friends hate but love each other? Usually, we get into a silly argument but LITERALLY a minute later we make up. Best friend relationship. We swore to each other that we'd protect each other. So when Cloudy "died" I searched the whole region for her because I knew she wasn't dead. I refused to believe she was. Yes I act tough but now that my memories are back and NOT replaced with fake ones, it's kind of hard to NOT act tough. The reason why I don't like Colby anymore if that he's shorter than Cloudy. And he's shorter than me... And I'm like way shorter than Cloudy... Also his voice is weird. Probably because of age. He talks really.. Immature though I know he's mature (sometimes).

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize we were at the tent and HapPy was about to say what's next.

"We can't fight alone. Cloudy's really slow at mastering stuff-" Cloudy hit his head, like she always does to everyone when she gets annoyed. "And magic. We need to at least help her master giving us powers so we'll ALL be able to fight with magic. Because my potions probably won't help." He sounded as and annoyed. "SO WE TNT THEM!!!!" He suddenly said in an evil hysterical way. I shuddered. So did Colby and Cloudy. What the flip HapPy?!

My MC Diary - Ocelot Rise {Unedited}Where stories live. Discover now