Chapter 4: The Show

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Morrigan stretched in her bed as the sunlight blinded her, hitting her face directly through the window. She had no idea what time it was but she quickly blotted out of bed, seeing the position of the sun and was worried that she was late. She grabbed the clothes she had set out the night before, the uniform which was identical to the clothes she had worn the day prior. She got into them and then ran out the door, not knowing that the slamming door woke her roommate. Running through the streets, Morrigan finally made it to the military compound where her and her five captains would be showing the rest of humanity some different training techniques. She looked to the fields where she found Orion grazing as she went to the stable and grabbed the saddle and reins. Walking to the fence, Morrigan whistled for Orion to come so she could get him ready for training. The stallion seemed ecstatic, seeing the reins, and kind of jumping around on spot. Morrigan only laughed as she put the gear on the horse then mounted him, giving Orion the chance to familiarize the with straps and buckles before going to the training grounds. Orion trotted around, Morrigan letting him do as he wished while she waited for the others to show up.

After about 20 minutes, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed black coats mixed in with green ones walking towards her. She turned her head, still letting Orion do as he wished, to see her favourite captains leading Erwin and Levi and, she assumed, their regiment. She patted Orion's neck, grabbing the reins with her left hand and maneuvered them to tell him to go to the right, in the direction of the pack of people. Orion naturally had a very elegant walk, so it caused curious Scout Regiment soldiers to focus on the horse and girl making their way to them, rather then paying attention to the man speaking in front of them. The man happened to be Weylyn and he realized that the only people listening were the officers of the group. He stopped talking, turning around to see Morrigan was directly behind him. "You're distracting everyone!" He laughed, causing Morrigan to say a quiet sorry in her laughter. "As I was saying, we are going to demonstrate how to take down a Titan within a flat plain. We noticed that their territory doesn't have many tall trees, so that's more advantageous for them. Morrigan is our best horse trainer, so if you have questions after, I suggest you go to her. Are there any questions before we start?"

"How are you going to show us, like without a live Titan here?" A frail voice said.

"I guess I didn't explain it well enough." Weylyn said, then added six words that scared the troops. "We are training outside the wall."

"Are you insane!?" Some voice yelled.

"You must all have a death wish!" Another said. By this point, the other captains had returned from prepping their horses, along with preparing Weylyn's as well.

"Listen, if you are too scared to train with the possibility of dying, how are you ever going to be fully prepared for what you are inevitably going to be facing?" Varney said, obviously trying to prove a point. "If you aren't prepared to risk your life then you don't belong in this regiment." Everyone just stood there in awe, not wanting to believe what the large red head said. Deep down though, they had to agree with him.

"Even though harsh," Erwin said, moving the Varney then turning around to face his soldiers, many of them being new recruits, "it is very true." His voice had a hint of sadness in it.

"We would like to ask you all to take to your seats. The show is about to begin." Kayne said, happiness that was very evident in his voice, turning toward the gate along with the other captains.

"Our seats?" The boy that said it was someone Morrigan recognized from the day before, being one of the few that got to interview her before the trial.

"On the wall, of course." Varney replied, finally mounting his horse and quickly caught up to his friends.

"How else will you be able to watch safely?" Morrigan smiled.

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