Chapter 9: Squad Levi

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"It seemed like it was going to be like another expedition by the way that the other Scout members were acting. Some were frightened, some strangely energetic and some very calm. There was no indication that anything strange was going to happen. We were made 30 km of the wall when it started raining and that was going to cause many problems for us. You see, this expedition was the first using Erwin's new long range formation, using flares to indicate where Titans were and which direction to proceed in. Meaning if it rained..."

"The flares don't work."

"Exactly. Even worse, a heavy fog set over the ground, making visibility almost zero. Fortunately, Farlan, Isabel and I managed to stay together and we just rode straight, thinking that eventually we would run into someone from one of the other squads. We did this for some time but it didn't seem like the rain or fog was going to let up and we started worrying about the deal we made with a nobleman. He said that if we got a set of documents from Erwin and killed him, we could live comfortable lives in the Capital, overlooking our crimes that we committed Underground. We knew that if we didn't do something quick, a Titan might get to Erwin first before one of us were even able to ask him about the documents. I had a simple thing to do, make a decision as to if I would go alone or if I would bring all three of us to find Erwin and I decided on the first. That was the worst mistake I have ever made."

Morrigan stayed silent, letting Levi take his time in recounting what had happened. He stared at the tea cup in his hand for sometime until his voice started echoing through the room again. "I was making my way in the direction I thought Erwin was while Farlan and Isabel headed toward a sound round that was set off before I separated from them. On my way I encountered my first sighting of what Titans were capable of. Dismembered and mangled bodies of elite soldiers but that wasn't what frightened me the most. It was the fact that there were footprints heading in the direction that I had just come, right towards my friends. As you can see, I didn't make it in time to save anyone and I just snapped. I lost my friends, basically my family, people that I trusted and people who trusted me to protect them, but I couldn't even do that. I took my anger out on Erwin when he found me as the only survivor of the squad I was assigned to, after I had taken out 5 Titans alone. He opened my eyes to the truth, that it was really the nobleman corrupting the system and slowing the progress that could have been done long ago."

Morrigan had no idea were to start with any type of comment about what she had just heard. "You blame yourself when you shouldn't though."

"I think I have every reason to blame myself for their deaths. If I hadn't have left and been selfish, I would have been able to protect them. Hell, they might even be here now."

"Okay, sure it was your choice to go off but the only reason you were able to defeat those Titans alone was because of what they had already done. Who knows? If you stayed behind, would you be here now?" Levi snapped his head at Morrigan and she saw an expression with fear and heartbreak. It didn't become him, but who would look good with that sort of expression. "I'm sorry, I stepped out of line with that comment." She said, taking her gaze away from his.

"You're right though."

"About what?"

"That I was only able to kill all those Titan because I had my dead friends in my arms."

There was a silence for some time, about 15 minutes, where Morrigan and Levi sipped on their cups of tea, not really sure where to go with the conversation. "So," Morrigan began, "how was Erwin doing when you left?"

"As good as he could be after waking up from getting his arm bitten off, I guess. Actually, there is another reason why I brought you here."


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