Chapter 12: Ambushed

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Reebs had taken Eren and Historia not even an hour ago. Tensions were high, people were worried that the Military Police might figure it out or that Reebs would spill about what was going on. They were in a cave not too far from the place were most of the Scouting Corps waiting for orders, with Levi and Morrigan waiting in the trees. For Morrigan, it was strange to her that Levi had asked her to come with him. She was thinking that he would ask Mikasa, since she is so close to Eren and would do anything for him but, then again, that may be the very reason he didn't ask her to come. It was awkwardly silent between the two, neither of them really knowing what to talk about because Levi was thinking back to what happened at the lake a few weeks ago and also to when he saw her crying in her sleep a few months back. He wasn't really sure if it was right to bring things like that up at a time like this.

Morrigan was wondering something along the same lines, thinking back to when Hanji told her that Levi was the first to start getting his 3DMG on when she was trapped outside the wall. She was still rather confused as to why he was wouldn't have gotten someone else to help him with getting her over the wall instead of risking his life by coming alone.

"Can I ask you something?" Levi finally said, break the silence.

"Go for it."

"A while back, when we were watching Pastor Nick and you fell asleep while we were waiting for news on the expedition. Did you have some sort of bad dream?"

"Do you mean when Erwin came back missing an arm?"


"Umm, I can't really remember. I've always had issues remembering dreams the moment I wake up. But, why do you ask?"

"Well, whatever you were dreaming about caused you to change into that demon, or whatever you want to call it."

"Oh? Why didn't you bring it up earlier?"

"Well something else happened too."

"Like what?"

Should I bring it up? Levi looked at the very curious face in front of him. I have to know. "You were crying in your sleep and your tears weren't normal."

"Oh, you saw that?"

"You know about it?"

"Yeah. People often think I'm cold because I don't cry very much but I don't cry because of colour of my tears."

"Is it because of the legend?"

"My dad thinks that way. This is the first time it has ever been mentioned to be with the curse though, so I don't really know it that's true."

"What's your position on it?"

"I hope that it is part of the curse, then I wouldn't have to worry about it. But the healers say that they saw this with my mother, so it might be an illness of some type."

"They don't know what it was?"

Morrigan shook her head. "She ended up going blind before she died. Another problem is that they don't know if the illness caused her death."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. That was a long time ago." Morrigan paused and then finally got up the courage to ask Levi about that day. "Would I be able to inquire about something?"

"It's only fair."

"The first day of training, Hanji told me you were the first to risk their life to try and save me. I'm curious as to why you could do that for someone you had no reason to trust."

"Hanji should learn to keep her mouth shut."

Morrigan laughed a little. "We know that will never happen."

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