Chapter 17: The Return Journey

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Morrigan ran into the room and when she burst open the door the heated argument between Varney and Levi stopped as they stared at her. Varney had a look of complete shock on his face while Levi only smirked. "Told you." He said in a childish way, leaning against the window sill as he crossed his arms over his chest. Before Morrigan could even look back to her group of friends she was jolted a little by a hand hitting her shoulders. When looking to her left she found Varney, looking as if he was going to cry and on her right she saw Powell giving her a more than excited smile. Morrigan looked around the room and saw the rest of the group standing off to the side, smiling like fathers at their friend they all cared for.

"So, what's going on?" She asked in a singsongy voice to lighten the mood a little.

"We heard a rumour...." Weylyn started but the bulky captain stopped as he looked down, not wanting to think about what he thought was a reality moments ago. Morrigan knew very well what he was about to say but she wasn't the one that finished the thought. Surprisingly, it was Levi.

"The people in their regiment were working close to the hospital and saw me bringing you in unconscious. They made assumptions, that's all."

"Can you blame us? We haven't seen her in months, when we finally do she's injured and then this place goes up in smoke." Powell said.

"Guys, why don't we take this down a notch and----"

"Last time I checked we are the ones that asked for your help..."

"Guess not." Morrigan said aloud, getting a laugh out of Erwin who was now standing beside her as Levi and Powell had some less than friendly words to say to one another. It wasn't surprising, given that the two were not very fond of each other the few times they had met and tensions were high because they didn't know if there was going to be another battle to fight. The two eventually finished and Morrigan asked for her friends to come with her so she could talk to them about something. Erwin suggested a room a little down the hall that would be big enough to fit them comfortably but, coincidently, was a room that had thin walls, allowing Levi, Erwin and Hanji to listen to what they were saying. But they would not be able to understand, since the group began speaking in Manx Gaelic, the common tongue in the military. "I'm sure you guys know what this is going to be about." Morrigan said calmly. It had been over 6 months since they first came here and, as a group, they needed to decide whether or not it would be smart to pull out and allow everyone to go home to their families. "So, what are your positions?"

Varney was the first to speak. "It think we should stay for a least two more months, just in case something comes up and we can be there. Also we could help set things into place until then. You could help that new royalty girl on how to interact with different people and we could help rebuild the cities."

"What if the lads don't want to stay anymore?" Weylyn asked. "Not that I have a problem with staying or anything but lets say that some people want to go home, will you let them."

"I think that's only right. We told them six months so we will give those left the choice to stay behind if they like." She paused for a second and saw that Powell had a concerned expression. "What wrong?" She asked him.

"It's just.....I heard what happened in the hospital. We all did. Morrigan, you should be returning to the island."

"Powell's right. Our healers will be the only ones that know what to do." Kayne said, a bit of an authoritative tone coming out.

Llyr came out of his silence to say something as well. "Besides, who knows what's going on here. If anything it might make something---"

"Guys, I appreciate your concern but I'm perfectly fine. If we need to talk about what happened we can do it after we figure out what we are going to do with the people we have left here." Morrigan said, anger seething through her teeth as she spoke every word and she noticed that they all had worried expressions on their faces. She moved her gaze to her long hair that had turned white, causing her to sigh. She stared at the table and felt the anger dissipate, looking back to the guys around her. "Sorry." She said, her voice quiet and sincere because she had never gotten angry with them before and over something so trivial as them trying to look after her. "Let's just get back on topic."

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