Chapter 6: A Unique Variant Titan

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"First through third divisions, make your way to the east end! Fourth and fifth, give them cover! Sixth through eight, assist in making sure no Titan gets past the defence line!" Orders after orders were being called out to the soldiers of both societies. Morrgian would be assisting the first, second and third divisions, purely being a medic in this fight.

How did they get through the wall? There was no explosion or anything like people described from the last time.

"Something doesn't seem right." Morrigan heard beside her. It was Varney.

"I was just thinking the same thing." She replied, worry evident in her voice. "There was no explosion. Nothing to indicate that the wall had been compromised. How could they have possibly gotten through without someone noticing before the first sighting." Morrigan's brain racked through as many possibilities as humanly possible to try and come up with a solution to the strange question.

"Titans straight ahead!" Someone further up yelled, requiring Morrigan to wish her friends good luck as she veered off to the South. Keeping a sharp eye out for an abnormals, Morrigan and a couple other stand by medics found their safe distance from the battle. They watched in silence, not knowing when a flare was going to go up to indicate it was safe to move in. Normally Morrigan would be in the middle of the battle, but with so many people in a closed area it would only be more dangerous then helpful. It felt like hours went by, even though it had only been a couple minutes. Little did Morrigan know, a bunch of soldiers had already broken off into sub groups to try and protect the small villages closer to the wall. Suddenly, a few flares went up, but not the colours that Morrigan and the others were expecting. They were black?

"What does that mean?" A scared voice asked.

Morrigan only stayed silent, not really knowing what to do. Squinting her eyes to try and focus in on the action in the distance she saw something. A Titan that was extremely tall, covered in fur?

"What the hell is that?!" The same medic asked, pointing at the very creature that Morrigan had noticed.

"You all go. Get inside the walls and tell the soldiers there to stand guard. High alert." Morrigan finally said, her voice very calm for the situation.

"What about you Morrigan? We can't just leave you with that...thing!" A medic raised her voice a little too much, resulting in the Titan to turn, now looking directly at them.

"GO!" Morrigan yelled, kicking Orion in the opposite direction that the others would be going. Meaning, directly at the thing. The Titan looked very much like a monkey, as strange as it sounds. It's arms were very long in proportion to the rest of it's body. It was much better coordinated than the rest of the Titans that she had encountered up to this point, even showing some extent of intelligence from the fact that it was making different facial expressions as it looked around the area it was in. Morrigan stopped Orion a good enough distance so she had a chance to get away if it tried to attack her, much out of it's reach. She watched it as she surveyed the area, noticing the many dismembered bodies and the large amount of blood covering the once green grass. Green and black capes blew in the light breeze that brought her an unpleasant smell, causing her to cover her mouth and nose.

Looking back at the Titan, she noticed it was focused on something, or rather someone. Morrigan was too far away to get a good look at the person, but it was not one of her own people. She calculated the chances of her being able to save the guy and it was basically zero, since the Titan was basically on top of the guy, who also happened to be halfway into another Titans mouth. Morrigan shook her head and was about to make her way back to the Inner Wall when she heard a booming voice say "Hold it!"

That voice was much to loud to be from any human? Who was that? Morrigan turned around, seeing nothing but the same sight that she had turned around from moments ago. She heard a shriek coming from the man being partly devoured by the 3 metre class Titan. To Morrigan's surprise, the ape like Titan grabbed the child-like one and then did something astonishing. It spoke. "Didn't I just tell you to hold it?", in the process, squeezing it until it exploded, causing the man to fall out of its grips. Morrigan stayed shocked and somewhat terrified of the fact that the Titan was saying coherent things. It's goes against everything we know about these things! It's impossible! Then, it started to speak again. "What is that weapon? The one around your hips that make you jump so easily?"

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