Chapter 8: The Underground

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In had nearly been a week since the operation to get Eren and Historia back from the three members of the 104th Training Squad. But something else had begun to stir up during that time. Wall Rose was being examined that very day to be declared safe, with members of all Regiments examining the area to come up with a joint decision for the next day. Morrigan was checking up on Erwin, who unfortunately was still unconscious but recovering all the same. She only wished she could do more because Hanji and Levi were obviously effected by it. As she was changing his bandages a knock came at the door, Morrigan politely telling the person to come in without even looking. The door opened and closed, Morrigan only focusing on the routine task at hand and didn't look up until she was finished. The young girl was someone Morrigan had never seen before and a member of the Military Police.

"How can I help you?"

"We are in need of your assistance. There is a situation in the Underground and some soldiers need to be sent to intervene. We were hoping you would go along with some of the Military Police and a member of the Scouting Legion."

"Umm....sure. But what exactly is the Underground? I've never heard of it before."

"I apologize but I don't have time to explain right now. You are needed to be ready to leave in five minutes."

"Of course. I'll just ask someone on the way then." The girl saluted and walked out, leaving Morrigan to clean up the same mess she had made. This Underground, whatever it was, didn't sound like a place that was very liked. As Morrigan walked to the stables she saw a couple of Military Police members walking in as well. She tried eavesdropping on their conversation but they weren't talking about the task at hand so she was going to have to ask the member of the Scouting Legion that was coming along.

Morrigan hadn't noticed, but that very member was already in the stable, mounting his horse and guiding it outside to wait for the rest. She finally saw his face when she walked Orion outside. "Oh, Levi, you're the one that's coming?"

"You sound disappointed."

"No, it's just that I didn't think that they would bother you with something like this." Morrigan mounted her horse so she was closer to being eye to eye with the Corporal.

"He's an expert of the Underground." A voice said, causing Morrigan to turn around to see that the Military Police were coming out of the stables. "It only makes sense that we ask him to 'be bothered with something like this'." They didn't even stop for Levi and Morrigan, they just continued on past the two and towards the pathway to get to the Underground. Levi and Morrigan followed, not knowing that both had been given very little information about the situation that was occurring.

Morrigan, however, broke that silence due to her curiosity. "So, you're an expert." Her voice had failed in hiding her small laughter. "Did you study it a lot or something when you were younger?"

"Quite the opposite really." Levi said, his voice having his similar unamused tone. "I used to live there."

"Wait, the Underground is a town?"

"You can't even call it a town. It's more like a large city." Morrigan gave him a shocked face, which he returned with a confused one. "What do you know about the Underground?"

"Nothing really. About 10 minutes ago was my first of hearing of the place." She said, looking forward to see that the Military Police came to a stop at a pathway that led Underground, dismounting their horses and tying them to some poles beside it.

"Well, I guess I'll have to get you as up to speed as I can before we get there." Levi said, dismounting his horse as well and following the other's actions. Morrigan nodded and followed Levi and the others into the dark path. "The Underground City was something put into construction long ago, in a fear that people wouldn't be able to fit in the confines of the Walls forever. So the Government put the poorest people there, the reason we don't really know why them but it is somewhat obvious now that I think about it. Anyway it's a place that no one wants to live, and people on the surface often take advantage of those down there. It's not as bad as it was when I lived there but there is still a lot of corruption. It's also not the most spacious either and since we have been having to send refugees down there lately, it's becoming even more overcrowded. People are starving due to the lack of previsions we have to give them and the small spaces are going to be putting people on edge."

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