Chapter 22: The Stand

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As a pair, Morrigan and Levi weaved through the town, deciding to focus on the Titans that were moving in to attack the soldiers around the horses. The tag-team easily took down Titans left and right as they protected the Garrison soldiers below them. "Take care of the small ones first before the Beast Titan starts moving!" Levi yelled as he got to a roof. "I won't forgive a single injury so don't a single one of you die!"

"Roger!" A group of soldiers yelled back as they continued with their tasks. Morrigan came up to a roof ahead of Levi, trying to catch her breath as she noticed Levi doing the same thing. It looked like no one was prepared for how much work this was going to be; everything they were doing was essential to get to the basement. Quick footsteps came up to her and stopped.

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm just thinking, there seems to be never ending smaller Titans. How are we going to get to the Beast Titan?" Before Levi could come up with an answer there was a large explosion from behind them, from over the wall. Everyone stopped, even the Titans that were originally making their way over to attack the soldiers on the ground. Suddenly, there was a strong yell, obviously not belonging to the soldiers that were there. Levi looked back at the large wall as Morrigan's eyes widened at the blood on the ground that she unconsciously focused on. There is no way, was that the Armoured Titan? A breeze brought her out of her state as she looked to the Beast Titan as he reached over to one of the barrels that the four-legged Titan was carrying. Knitting her eyebrows, she watched as he wound up his arm and, very much like the boulder when he first arrived, throwing the barrel with extreme precision over the wall.

"Shit." Both of the soldiers muttered as they followed the barrel going over the wall.

"Levi...what should we do?" It was awfully quiet compared to what everyone was expecting to happen.

"Continue with our objective." He said calmly, looking to the Beast Titan that seemed to have a prideful look on his face because of what had just happened. "Get through the obstacles and take out the Beast Titan." Morrigan didn't hesitate to move towards the Titans that began moving again, taking out a few at a time easily as she forced her way through the wall they had created. She was starting to get frustrated; she hadn't heard or seen any of her friends, she just wanted it to end. It looked as though it was around noon, meaning they still had a lot of time to defend against the Titans until their numbers lessened from the Sun going down. "Morrigan slow down!" Levi yelled at her, seeing her wasting the gas of her gear. That was when he noticed it; she had been in her demon form since the sun got up. She's going to collapse if she doesn't slow down.

This was the first time she was on a full-out expedition with the Survey Regiment so it only made sense that she was going to have troubles following orders but he didn't expect her to be this reckless. He finally caught up to her and pulled her to a rooftop, getting her out of the way of a Titan that was about to grab her. "You need to stop and think Morrigan." He calmly said. "If you don't calm down you're going to get yourself killed."

"You really think we are going to leave this thing alive?" Her voice was sad, a seriousness in her voice throwing him off. "Are you not seeing what's around us?"

"What happened to that positive attitude yesterday?"

Before Morrigan could reply, there was an explosion behind the black-haired Captain, causing his eyes to widen as he realized what was happening to his comrades. "They outdid us."

"This area is clear, there are only a few small ones ahead of us left." A soldier said, landing on the roof that Levi and Morrigan were standing on. "But how are we supposed to get to that Beast Titan when he is all pent up over there and it doesn't look like he's going to move."

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