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"Can you pick up some eggs on your way home, babe?" Harry speaks into the phone as he folds the clean laundry. Louis needed a work shirt for the next day, so Harry decided to just do a few loads of laundry. He loves this, loves being married to Louis and being so domestic all the time. Ever since they had gotten married a few months ago, he's adored the little things like the phone calls asking to pick something up and washing clothes for work. "I need them for dinner tonight."

"Sure," Louis replies, and just his voice is enough to make Harry grin. "I'm right around the corner from Tesco's. I'll be home soon."

"Thanks, baby." Harry says, smiling widely. "I love you."

"I love you too," Louis replies, before saying, "Both of you."

Harry smiles even wider, if that's possible. That's another thing he loves; being one month pregnant with Louis' baby. He hangs up the phone, continuing to fold the laundry.

He waits hours for Louis, calling him multiple times. No answer. He was getting worried–Louis never made any other stops without telling Harry where he was going. It's after a few hours that he gets the call.

The call that caused his entire world to come crashing down.

"Hello?" He answers his mobile, confused as to why the hospital was calling him. Until it hits him. Louis.

"Hello, is this Harry Tomlinson?" A lady asks.

"Yes, this is him." Harry replies, voice shaky. He doesn't even smile when she calls him a Tomlinson.

"Sir, your husband was in a car accident, could you please come to the hospital immediately?"

(3 Months Later)

"Good morning, sunshine." Harry coos, seeing Louis slowly open his eyes. Louis hums in response, making Harry smile fondly.

"Would you like to sit up, babe?" Harry asks sweetly, adjusting his grey t-shirt. Louis hums again, flickering his eyes over to Harry and giving him a pleading look. Harry walks over and helps his husband sit up, quickly surrounding him with pillows so he could stay up.

"How're your legs?" Harry asks. "Do you want your meds just yet?"

Louis nods slightly, unable to do much else. Harry walks into the washroom and grabs four bottles of pills, bringing them back to Louis. Louis sticks his tongue out and winces, making Harry chuckle.

"I know, babe," He says sympathetically. "But they'll help with the pain. Now, open your mouth."

Louis obeys, opening his mouth slightly. Harry feeds him the pills and uses two fingers to tilt Louis' head back and bring a glass of water to his lips.

They repeat this four times, until Louis has taken all of his meds. Harry kisses Louis' cheek, smiling widely.

"Good job, babe!" He praises, happy that Louis hadn't fought him when he tried to give him the pills. Louis smiles, pointing to Harry's small baby bump.

"We're good," Harry assures, grabbing Louis' hand and holding it. "Don't worry about us."

Louis nods slowly, putting his hand on Harry's stomach and giving his husband a lopsided smile. Harry smiles back, putting his hands over Louis' stiff one.

"You have a doctors appointment later, so maybe we can go out to dinner afterwards?" Harry suggests. Louis shakes his head frantically.

"What's wrong, love?" Harry asks confusedly. Louis keeps shaking his head, pounding his right fist on the stack of pillows by his side. His right hand is the only body part he can really control anymore.

"Louis? What's the matter?" Harry asks shakily. He starts to get anxious when Louis gets like this–frustrated with no way of letting Harry know why. Louis' lip quivers as he looks up at Harry. Harry grabs a notepad and a pen, holding out the pen to Louis. Louis takes it in his working hand, shakily writing something down.

"People will look?" Harry questions, reading what Louis had jotted on the piece of paper. He looks back up at Louis, who's nodding.

"Em-b-a-ra-ss Ha-z." Louis struggles to sound out what he wants to say. Louis could talk if he really concentrated, but it took a lot of energy and Harry hated to see Lou strain himself.

"You won't embarrass me, love." Harry assures. Louis shakes his head again, furrowing his eyebrows.

"H-az..." Louis closes his eyes and inhales, getting frustrated with himself. "n-ot d-es-er-ve."

Harry moves a bit closer to Louis. "Babe, you shouldn't be talking so much." He says softly, trying not to burst into tears. He hates seeing Louis like this.

"Gi-ving me ba-by." Louis say, smiling a little and putting his hand on Harry's baby bump. "No-t de-ser-ve me-an."

Harry's eyes water. "Louis, baby," He says, shaking his head. "You've got it all wrong. I don't care if people are mean, all I care about is you and if you're okay."

"I am so-rry." Louis stutters. Harry pulls Louis into his lap, holding onto him tightly.

"Don't be, love." He whispers, wiping his eyes. "It's not your fault, okay? None of this is your fault."

Louis leans into Harry, breathing not as steady as it was before. "Baby, calm down." Harry pleads, rocking back and forth slightly. Louis shakes a little, burying his face into Harry's shoulder.

"So-rry." Louis says softly. Harry kisses the top of Louis' head, trying his very hardest not to cry.

"Don't be." Harry replies. Louis glances up at him, blushing slightly.

"To-il-et." Louis says, embarrassed that he has to ask for help. Harry nods, knowing it was a sensitive topic for Lou.

Harry kisses him before standing up, carrying Louis in his arms. He can tell this will be another long day, but he's used to them by now.

A/N: I'm not a doctor so some facts may not be correct

But what do you think? Should I continue?

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