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"Louis, I have to go to work." Harry  said slowly and calmly. Louis shook his head frantically, lip quivering. Harry groaned and put his hand against his forehead, trying to stay calm and take deep breaths. Stress would be bad for the baby.

"I got an earlier shift so I could take you to bed," Harry said calmly, gritting his teeth. "What do you want from me?"

Louis let out a sob, frustration taking over his entire body. Harry felt extremely guilty as he continued to get dressed, slipping off his pyjama pants and pulling on some jeans that were a size bigger than usual.

"Your mum will be here soon." Harry sighed, reaching over and running his fingers through Louis' hair soothingly. Louis huffed and closed his eyes, just enjoying Harry's hands massaging his scalp as he tried to calm down.

After a minute Harry stopped and pulled on a jumper over the white t-shirt he was wearing. Louis opened his eyes, sniffling and wheeling his chair out of the bedroom and to the lounge. He tried not to focus on the fact that his Harry was leaving and instead reached over to get the remote with his working hand, looking for any distraction.

The doorbell rang. Louis, unable to get it himself, screamed out "Ha-rr-yyy!" He immediately heard footsteps rush down the hallway. Harry appeared, panting only slightly as he walked into the lounge to find Louis was completely fine.

"Mu-mmy." Louis mumbled, pointing toward the front door. Harry smiled wearily and walked toward the front door, opening it to find Jay standing there and smiling.

"Hey, Jay." Harry exhaled, leaning against the door frame. Jay smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"How are you, love?" She asked, stepping into the house. Harry shut the door behind her and led her to where Louis was sitting, watching Family Feud.

"Fine." Harry speaks, walking over and bending down next to Louis. "I have to go, sweetheart." He said softly. Louis whipped his head toward Harry (as well as he was able to) and shook it.

"No." He said sternly, like a three year old.

Louis got frustrated easily, and it usually resulted in temper tantrums and crying. Harry's patience has become stronger with each passing day.

"Yes, Louis." Harry said sternly. "I only have two more months, then I go on maternity leave and you get me all to yourself."

That wasn't entirely true. By then Harry would be seven months along, meaning he'd probably need some extra help with carrying Louis places or helping him get ready in the mornings.

Louis' lip quivered as he looked away, not wanting Harry to leave. Harry was his, he didn't like when others took him away from him.

"I'll miss you." Harry said quietly, kissing Louis' cheek. Louis looked over to him and hummed before whispering.

"Harry is bea-uti-ful." He replied. Harry smiled fondly and pecked Louis on the lips before standing up and smiling wearily at Jay.

"Call me if you need anything." Harry said. He felt as if he was talking to a babysitter for a young child. Jay smiled and nodded, waving to him as he left.

"Okay, Lou," Jay sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "Do you need anything?"

"No." Louis said slowly. Jay nodded slowly and kissed the top of Louis' head before walking toward the kitchen, figuring she'd do the dishes so Harry wouldn't have to later.

Louis wheeled in his electric chair about fifteen minutes later. "Legs." He whined. Jay put the plate she was washing down in the sink and checked the schedule Harry had taped to the fridge for Louis' meds.

"Not yet, love." Jay explained, seeing Louis still had an hour and a half to go before he could take his painkillers again. Louis made a whining noise and pounded his fist on the arm of the chair, nodding his head and saying yes, he needed those painkillers.

"Do you want to lay down, lovey?" She asked softly, not wanting to trigger a tantrum. "I can prop your legs up on some pillows."

Louis shook his head no, because that's not how Harry did it. Harry would put the heating pad on his legs and have him prop his legs on the coffee table while he sat on the couch and Harry would cuddle him. He would explain to his mother, but he was too frustrated and it was too much for him to say.

"Ha-rr-y!" He whined instead, throwing his head back and shaking his head. Jay bit her lip and watched him worriedly. She knew the job of taking care of Louis wouldn't be easy, but she never expected it to be this hard.


"How was he?" Harry asked as he took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa, kicking off the TOMS he was wearing since his feet were so swollen.

"Good. Was a bit fussy, though. He got mad when I wouldn't give him his meds early." Jay mentioned. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Jay." He apologised. Jay waved him off and shook her head, giving him a sympathetic smile.

"It's fine." She assured, giving Harry a kiss on the cheek and leaving after they said their goodbyes.

Harry walked into the lounge to find Louis sitting in his chair in front of the telly, watching with a bored look. "Hi, baby." Harry cooed, kneeling down next to his chair after a bit of struggling to do so with his growing belly. Louis looked to where Harry was kneeling and instantly smiled.

"You tired, hmm?" Harry asked, checking the clock. 19:24. It was still a bit early to be going to bed.

"Did you take your meds?" Harry asked after a moment, looking over to Louis. Louis nodded. Harry slowly stood up, setting a hand on his stomach before walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

As he opened the fridge, he felt a small amount of pressure against the inside of his stomach. Harry froze, furrowing his eyebrows as he felt it again.

"Louis!" Harry called out before realising it would take too long for Louis to get from the lounge to the kitchen with the speed of the chair and instead rushed into the lounge.

Louis looked over to him, a concerned look taking over his face. Harry kneeled down in front of Louis' chair and took his husband's hand, lifting his jumper and putting Louis' hand against his baby bump.

"Just wait a second," Harry said softly, wanting so badly for Louis to feel it. After a moment he felt it again, right where Louis' hand was resting. Louis' face went from confused to shocked to excited. His eyes widened and a lopsided smile grew on his lips.

"Ba-by!" He cheered, smiling at Harry. Harry's eyes filled with tears as he sniffled and laughed happily, putting his hand on top of Louis'.

"Love bubba." Louis said, still smiling.

That's Love, Bitch (Larry au) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now