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"Louis?" Harry asked lightly. He had walked into the kitchen to find Louis sleeping in his chair, something that didn't happen too often.

Harry started to run his fingers through Louis' hair gently. Louis' eyes opened slowly, squinting from the sunlight beaming into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, sunshine." Harry chuckled, resting his fingers in Louis' hair. Louis smiled lazily in return. "How are you doing, love?"

Louis yawned in response, still smiling at Harry. Harry took this as a "I'm doing good" and leaned over to peck Louis on the lips. Louis hummed in comfort as he slowly and shakily took his working hand and placed it against Harry's stomach, smiling widely.

"Ba-by?" Louis squeaked, and Harry swore it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Baby is good too." Harry assured, putting his hand on top of Louis' and rubbing it a bit with his thumb.

Louis smiled at Harry and nodded, keeping his hand on Harry's small baby bump.

"Want to help me make dinner?" Harry asked.

Obviously Louis couldn't do things like cut up vegetables or put things in the oven, but he had become a very skilled taste tester.

Louis nodded, smiling happily as Harry stood up and kissed the top of his head. "Want your meds, baby?" Harry asked. Louis shook his head.

"No ne-ed." Louis assured. Harry nodded slowly, a bit surprised.

"Alright. Well, I have to get going." Harry said, smiling tiredly.

Ever since the accident, Harry had gotten a job at a restaurant downtown. He'd start in the afternoon and stay until late at night while Louis' mum watched Lou. His pay wasn't much, but they were getting by.

Louis frowned. He didn't want Harry to leave. "Stay." Louis said clearly and sternly, making Harry stop walking out of the kitchen and turn around slowly.

"Louis," Harry sighed, putting his hands on his lips. "I have to do this, okay? I need to work."

Louis' frown deepened as Harry walked out of the kitchen. He hated when Harry left.


"No!" Louis screamed, face turning red as tears streamed down his face. Harry bit his lip as Johannah watched her son with a worried expression. She still wasn't used to his physical limitations.

"Louis, I have to go." Harry said, trying to stay strong even though his voice wavered. Louis shook his head, sobbing hysterically as Harry slipped out quickly, heart pounding. He could hear Louis screaming his name as he walked away from his house, guilt overtaking him.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he sighed at the amount of cars there were in the parking lot. It was a busy night.

Harry walked in through the back door, grabbing his apron off a hook and tying it around his waist. His boss, Niall, walked out. He smiled at the curly-haired lad, crossing his arms.

"Hey, mate. How're you doing?" Niall asked kindly. Harry plastered a fake smile on his own face, running his hand through his hair.

"'M good," Harry mumbled, grabbing his pen and notepad out of the pocket of his apron. Before Niall could ask anymore questions, Harry walked past him and out into the dining area swiftly, hitting the tables he had been assigned that week.

"Hello," He greeted to the elderly man and woman sitting in the booth in a fake cheery voice. "My name is Harry and I'll be your waiter. Can I start you off with some drinks?"

The woman scowled at him while the man smiled kindly. "May I please have a water with lemon?" The man asked, looking up from his menu. Harry nodded, jotting his order down.

"And what about you, ma'am?" He asked, looking over to the pouting woman who refused to even look at Harry.

"Green tea. No milk, one sugar." She demanded. Harry wasn't taken aback by her harsh tone in anyway, however, due to the fact that people were rude to him at the restaurant every single day.

"I'll be right back with your drinks and to take your order." Harry said, walking over to the counter and ripping the piece of paper with the drinks off. He put it down on the counter for the chef to whip up.

Harry could already tell it would be a long night.


"Hello?" Harry hollered into the seemingly lifeless house he had entered. Jay walked in, smiling widely.

"Louis' asleep," She told Harry. "Wore himself out. I gave him his meds and changed him into pyjamas."

Harry nodded, smiling tiredly at Jay. "Thank you so much, Jay." He said. "I'll never be able to repay you."

Jay smiled and waved him off, shaking her head. "Nonsense." She assured, giving Harry a peck on the cheek before she walked out.

Harry took his mobile out of his pocket and checked the time. 22:45-He should be asleep. Staying up that late couldn't be very good for the baby. He'd have to ask Niall to switch his hours with someone who's life didn't suck.

You can't expect Harry to love his life all the time, right? He's practically a saint, and he's been given these challenges that such a good person should never have to face.

Harry took off his jacket and shuffled upstairs, wanting nothing more than to cuddle his husband and fall asleep.

He reached the bedroom to find Louis sleeping soundly, breathing steady. Harry smiled and walked over to his dresser, grabbing some pyjamas.

After he changed, he slowly climbed into bed next to Louis. Louis stirred in his sleep, slowly opening his eyes to look at Harry.

"Ha-z ba-ck." He mumbled sleepily. Harry smiled and nodded, scooting closer to Louis and wrapping his arm around the smaller boy.

"Yep. Work sucked. Couldn't stop thinking about my beautiful husband." He said tiredly, eyes closed. He could hear Louis let out a breathy laugh, which was one of the only things that sounded the same after the accident.

"G'night, Lou." Harry mumbled, feeling the sleepiness consume him.

The last thing he heard before falling asleep was "Ni-ght Ha-z."

That's Love, Bitch (Larry au) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now