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Dedicated to @xlarryafx for the miraculous idea!!

watch the video in the media bc I'm awful at explaining things and u might not understand

One thing Louis has wanted to do since the accident is dance with Harry.

He doesn't know why he has the sudden urge to dance with him, but he does. Their one year anniversary is in two days, and Louis has a plan. He has this friend Ashton who works at a rock climbing place in downtown London.

His plan is to get Ashton to put him in a harness so he can stand up and dance with Harry. It sounds crazy, but he doesn't care.

So, when Harry is napping, he steals his laptop and types Ashton an email. It takes a very, very long time with his one hand, but be eventually gets it right and sends it. Ashton immediately sends back a reply, saying he'll do it and he'll email Perrie to distract Harry while he and Louis set up.

Louis is even more excited than he was when the baby kicked, to be honest.

Liam drives Louis to the place a couple days later, and Louis can barely contain his excitement. He's practically bouncing in his seat by the time they arrive at the rock climbing place.

"Calm down, Lou," Liam laughs, though endeared at how excited Louis is to dance with his husband for the first time since their wedding.

It's a long process for Liam to unbuckle Louis, take out his chair, put Louis in the chair and then buckle him in again. Harry does it much faster since he does it more often.

Liam eventually does figure it out, and the two are in the building talking to Ashton in no time.

"Can I ask a personal question?" Perrie asks as she grips the steering wheel. Harry nods, a hand under his stomach and the other leaning on the console.

"Sure," Harry replies.

"Can you and Louis..." She twists her mouth. "Can you guys have more children, is what I'm asking."

Harry is silent. "I mean, we could," He replies quietly. "It would probably take a lot of...effort. I don't know. I'm just trying to get through this one." He's silent for a moment. "Are we going to see Lou? I wanna see Louis."

Perrie smiles. "Yup, we are."

They soon arrive to the rock climbing place, sending Harry into a fit of confusion. "I thought we were going to see Lou?" He pauses. "Where even are we?"

"You'll see," Perrie says, smirking in a way that makes Harry feel uneasy. She leads him into the place, having him take the elevator instead of walking up all the stairs.

When the elevator opens he's met with Louis in front of him. Louis is standing, his two feet flat on the ground for the first time in months. There's a harness helping him of course but Harry pays no attention to it. He also has the biggest smile Harry has seen in months.

"Louis?" Harry chokes out after a few moments. Louis raises his right hand to greet Harry, the same way he did before the accident.

"Hi," Louis replies, and it's crisp and it's clear and the pronunciation is perfect and Harry starts to cry. Happy tears, however. He knows this isn't a dream.

Perrie stood behind him, filming the entire thing with her mobile. Harry just stares for a second before rushing over to Louis and attacking him in a hug. Louis laughs, wrapping his arms around Harry like nothing bad ever happened.

"N-No cry-ing," Louis stutters out at Harry cries into his shoulder. That's all Harry ever wants when he's sad–to cry into Louis' shoulder.

"Sorry," Harry laughs, pulling back and smiling widely when he's looking at Louis eye-to-eye without having to crouch down. "Oh my god, Louis. I-I don't know what to say."

"H-Ha-ppy," Louis takes a deep breath and clenched his jaw, getting frustrated with himself. Harry reaches up and cups Louis' cheeks.

"Deep breaths, baby," He reminds shakily, sniffling all while smiling at Louis. "Take your time. I'm listening."

Louis shuts his eyes and exhales before looking at Harry again. "Ann-i-i-ver-sar-y," Louis smiles when he finally sounds it out. Harry bursts into tears of joy, hugging Louis again and burying his face into the crook of Louis' neck.

Louis laughs at that, feeling teary-eyed himself as he clung onto Harry. He took deep, long breaths so he wouldn't have a spasm and accidentally hit Harry.

Harry steps back, noticing how he got Louis' shirt wet with his tears. "Oops," He giggles through his tears, making Louis smile.

"Hi," He replies before putting his hand on Harry's stomach and saying "Hi," Again, this time with a more high-pitched voice as if he was talking to the baby. Harry starts to cry all over again, and neither of them will admit it, but both Ashton and Liam get a bit teary-eyed as well.

"I love you so much," Louis giggles, and Harry just cries in response. He doesn't think he's ever been this happy. Lego House by Ed Sheeran starts to play above from the speakers on the ceiling, and Louis holds his hand out toward Harry as if he was asking to dance.

Harry giggles and takes his hand, his eyes still watery as Louis starts to dance with him slowly, letting Harry handle the moving part since the harness makes it hard for him to do so himself. Louis hums along to the song, letting Harry cup his cheeks and kiss him on the lips.

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