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The doctors have Harry break the news to Louis.

In Harry's opinion, that's really shitty. Louis' going to wake up in pain and with no idea what's going on, and then Harry walks in and basically says "Hey, you know all that hard work we've been doing in the past year? Gone." Louis has put so much effort into being better so he can hug his daughter and talk to her, and now it's all gone to shit. Harry hates this.

According to the doctor, Louis will barely even be able to move. He'll hardly be able to move his chair by himself unless they get a new one that's easier to move (which they can't–money is tight because of the baby).

Harry gets a call at 11:38 AM on December 26 that Louis has woken up, crying as soon as he did. Harry assumed he was crying for him, but he can't say that anymore. He can't even say Harry's name.

Harry spent Christmas with Emma and Emma only. He refused to see anyone else, because he didn't want to celebrate anything without Louis there. He saw Louis for about twenty-five minutes, but it was hard for him to stay too long.

Harry takes Emma, even though she's only a month old. He doesn't even care what all those parenting books and websites say–he's taking his baby out to see his husband. He feels as though that's what's right.

He's far too excited to care that he would probably be judged by everyone else in the hospital. He's been reminded by many doctors many times that because of Louis' condition it's extremely possible that he could die in his sleep. And, somewhere where Harry kept his deep, dark thoughts, he thought this coma could be the end.

But now here he is, standing outside of Louis' room with Emma's baby carrier in his right hand. He's too scared to go in. He doesn't even know what to say to Louis. He just woke up, unable to do all the things he's been working so hard to do.

Harry takes a deep breath and looks down at Emma, who's looking up at the ceiling with wide eyes and her tongue sticking out. Harry smiles fondly–he remembers Jay telling him that Louis used to do that as an infant. Just the thought of Louis as a baby makes Harry's heart swell.

Harry takes another deep breath before opening the door to Louis' room, instantly smiling. Not because he was happy, because he could see Louis laying there frowning, and it would only upset him more if Harry was sad. He genuinely hates seeing Harry sad, and Harry feels the same way about Louis.

"Hey, sunshine," Harry says shakily. All Louis can do is move his eyes to where Harry is. "Um, I brought the baby. She's happy today, so I figured maybe she'd be good for a visit." Harry glances down at Emma, who's still staring at the ceiling.

Louis' lips curl up into what semi-resembles a smile, both his lips and under his eyes the colour of cherry blossoms. Harry sets the baby carrier on the floor and unbuckles the man straps that keep Emma secure. Her little face is scrunched up from the bright lights, but she isnt' crying. God bless.

Harry holds her up in front of Louis, keeping his own emotions in check and focusing on his breathing. Inhale, exhale. Louis looks at Emma longingly, his eyes full of sadness. He tries to reach up and grab onto her little hand, only getting so far as to lift his fingers a bit off the duvet.

Harry notices Louis' distressed and takes Louis' hand into his own, guiding to Emma's. Harry holds Louis' hand there, watching as Louis' face crumples. He starts to sob, turning his head a little as if he's trying to hide from Harry, though he doesn't get very far.

"Oh, Louis," Harry sighs. He gingerly sits down in a plastic chair next to the bed, putting Emma in her baby carrier before leaning forward to tend to Louis. He wipes the tears rolling down his cheeks, his own fingers shaking a little. "I know, lovey. It's okay."

Louis takes a long, shuddering breath. He looks up to Harry pleadingly, and Harry can practically read his mind. "You want to know what the doctor told me?" Harry asks before realising Louis can't respond. "Wink if you do."

Louis does wink. Really horribly, actually, and it makes the both of them let go of their emotions for just a few moments and laugh. Harry then clears his throat and takes Louis' hand in his, kissing the back of it.

"Well, he said that you had a stroke," Louis' eyes widen momentarily. "Yeah. And this is going to...well, it basically, uh," Harry clears his throat. "Fuck, oh my god. Um, you won't be able to talk anymore. Or move, really, as you can tell," Harry takes a shaky breath, looking away from Louis. "It's like it was right after the accident. We're just going to work hard and get you to where we want you to be, okay?"

Louis just exhales deeply in response, twisting his mouth a little and looking over to Harry. Harry gives him a small smile. "I love you," He says, and Louis wants to say it back so desperately, but he knows it will be a long time before he can.

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