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"Thank you," Harry panted toward the young girl who held the door open for him. He pushed Louis' chair into the building, needing to stop for a moment to catch his breath.

Louis had speech therapy that night, and Harry decided to just stop at McDonald's to get something to eat since he hadn't prepared anything earlier.

"Oh-kay?" Louis asked slowly. Harry nodded after a moment, wheeling Louis' chair into the line.

"I'm fine," Harry assured. Louis, a bit skeptical, nodded after a moment. Harry put a hand right under his belly when he felt a kick, smiling to himself.

Everything was peaceful for about three seconds.

Louis cringed as he felt his hand have a spasm, shooting outwards toward some poor lady's tray. The tray full of food came crashing down onto the floor.

"Hey!" The lady snarled, spinning toward Louis. Louis looked like he was about to cry, which only fueled the anger Harry had built up.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Harry apologized. "He didn't mean to, I promise. He just-"

"You know what?" The woman spat. "Just keep your retard at home next time."

Harry honestly felt like smacking her, but Louis reached up and gently touched Harry's hand as the lady stormed out of the restaurant.

"Ho-me." Louis pleaded.


"Louis, please," Harry begged, trying to feed Louis some leftover pasta from the night before since they didn't get anything from McDonald's. "Just eat something. I can't give you your meds if you don't eat."

Louis groaned and rolled his head back, both hands shaky. Harry hissed as he felt a pain in his stomach, sitting down and closing his eyes. He usually felt pains when Louis wasn't cooperating.

Louis noticed Harry with his hand on his stomach and instantly felt guilty. He wheeled the electric chair over and looked over to Harry.

"So-rry," He stuttered, expecting the same response from Harry that he always received.

"Don't worry about it love," Harry would say. "We're both fine."

But this time, Harry didn't assure Louis that it was fine. "This has to stop, Louis," Harry growled.

Louis blinked at Harry a few times, surprised at the reaction. Harry opened his eyes and leaned back a little more.

"You have to stop being so uncooperative," Harry explained calmly, rubbing his five month belly. "It's bad for the baby and I just can't deal with it anymore. It's time to grow up."

Louis pouted, feeling as if he was being spoken to like a child. "You have to stop acting like a child and start acting like you're ready to be a father." Harry explained as if he could read Louis' mind. "Because the constant fighting really can't be good for the baby."

Louis just felt guiltier. They could lose their baby, and it'd be his fault. "Bubba ha-te Lou." He said after a moment, tears trickling down his cheeks. Harry's calm and stern expression softened as scooted over to the end of the couch, sitting in front of Louis.

"No, Louis," Harry said softly, wiping Louis' tears. "You've got it all wrong. The baby does not hate you. You just need to cooperate a bit more, okay? I'm trying my hardest, work with me here."

Louis sniffled and nodded, understanding where Harry was coming from. Harry gave Louis a small smile before taking the bloke's better hand and lifting his shirt, setting Louis' hand on the slightly stretched skin.

Louis felt a small amount of pressure against his palm, smiling widely. Harry looked from Louis' small hand to the boy's beaming face, his own smile growing.

"We get to find out the gender tomorrow," Harry reminded. "What do you think it is?"

"Girl," Louis replied almost immediately. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" He asked. "I think it'll be boy."

Louis gave Harry a lopsided smirk. "I win." He said slowly. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"We'll see about that," He challenged.


Harry's eyes opened slowly as he felt the bed shake. He groaned a little, rubbing his eyes. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness he looked over at his alarm clock. 1:32 AM.

"Louis, stop," He mumbled, thinking Louis was shaking the bed to wake Harry up. Harry was far too tired, the baby wearing him out.

It took Harry a moment to realize if Louis wanted to wake him up, he'd tell and scream his name and trying his best to shake him. The bed still shook, Harry's pillow inching closer and closer to the end of the bed. Harry sat up and looked over at Louis, gasping loudly.

Louis' entire body shook, eyes rolled back into his head. He was foaming at the mouth a little, and a ring of sweat showed around his collar.

"Louis!" Harry cried, snapping his fingers in front of Louis' face with his shaky hands. "Louis, can you hear me?"

Louis didn't respond and continued to shake vigorously. Harry shakily grabbed for his mobile and dialed 999, on the verge of tears as he tried not to look at Louis.

"999, what's your emergency?"

"My husband is handicapped, and I think he's having a seizure."


"How's he doing?" Harry asked as soon as he spotted the nurse that had been with Louis.

"He's doing alright," She assured. "He had a bit of a fit, but after we restrained him, he calmed down. You'll be able to see him in a few hours."

Harry nodded, checking his wrist watch. The doctors had suggested he went back home and got some sleep while they ran some tests on Louis, so he slept from two to seven.

He was supposed to find out the gender of the baby that day, but he wasn't even sure he wanted to without Louis there.


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