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"Hazzy hur-tin'!" Louis cries, reaching over and gripping onto Harry's wrist. Harry's sitting up in the hospital bed, Louis sitting next to it in his chair.

"Oh, no," Harry says, moving his hand so Louis' gripping his hand instead. "Oh, love, please stop crying."

"No hurt!" Louis cries, referring to the doctor's words that after the epidural Harry wouldn't hurt anymore. It just hasn't kicked in yet. "Say no!"

Liam is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He eyes the way Harry looks even more stressed every time Louis lets out a sob. "I think I should take Louis outside for a few. Calm him down a bit, you know?" He decides, making Harry's eyes widen.

"What? No, you can't leave me all alone!" Harry exclaims. Liam walks over to Louis and takes the brake off his chair.

"I'll send Perrie in, okay?" He assures, as Louis doesn't even argue as Liam starts to wheel him out of the room.

Harry frowns. "Don't keep him for too long!" He pleads. He can feel another contraction start to kick in, making him whine and throw is head back into his pillow.

Perrie comes in a few minutes later, smiling warmly at Harry. It feels so good to see someone so calm while Harry's basically panicking. "How are you, love?" She asks, and honestly, Harry feels like he's going to die.

"'M okay," He mumbles, taking heaving breaths as Perrie walks over and pulls a chair up next to the bed. She sits and holds his hand while Harry grimaces with each strong pain. "Is Jay here yet?"

Perrie shakes her head. "Not yet. She called and said she was on her way," Harry nods, squeezing Perrie's hand and letting out a groan. "You're doing so good, love. I bet Louis' proud of you."

Harry can feel Emma kick a few times—she's obviously in as much distress as he is. "I want Louis!" He cries. Perrie nods and starts to push Harry's hair out of his face.

"I know, love. Liam will bring him back in here soon," Perrie assures. "You want your hair out of your face, love?"

Harry wants to be more eloquent toward Perrie, considering she's doing so well at calming him down. She knows he loves it when Louis calls him love and she knows telling him that Louis' proud will make him happy.

Perrie stands up and starts to pull Harry's hair back as Harry lets out a whine. "You're doing swimmingly, H," She praises. "I talked to the doctor, already dilated six centimetres."

Harry nods, letting Perrie pull his hair up into a bun. Liam enters a few moments later. Louis is calmer and quieter as Liam pushes him in and next to the bed. Perrie smiles and pats Harry's knee before exiting.

"Sorry," Louis mumbles. Harry shakes his head just as the contraction starts to pass.

"It's okay, I promise," He pants, smiling toward Louis. "Want to come sit with me, babe?"

Louis nods, and Liam springs into action. He unbuckles Louis and Harry scoots over so he can put Louis down next to him. After propping a few pillows to Louis' left so he doesn't fall, Louis is much calmer and much happier knowing he can comfort Harry up close. Liam leaves after that, giving the two some privacy.

"Hi," Harry says, smile wide as he puts his hand on Louis' thigh. Louis smiles widely and lets Harry pepper his face in kisses.

"Hi," Louis says back, letting Harry rest his head on his shoulder. "So good. Lou i-is pr-oud."

Harry beams at Louis' words. "Thank you. Means a lot coming from you." Harry glances up at Louis, meeting his eyes. "We're both gonna be parents in a couple of hours, Lou. Shit. That's scary, innit?"

Louis nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes," He pauses. "Hurt-in'?"

Harry shakes his head. "No. I think the drugs kicked in," He explains. "It's not as painful anymore. I just feel some pressure. Might hurt with the next contraction, though."

Louis nods, holding his hand out toward Harry. "Hand," He says, making Harry smile and hold Louis' hand. Nothing hurt yet. He just wanted to hold Louis' hand.

"Take deep breaths for me, Harry," The doctor says as Harry clenches his eyes shut, squeezing Louis' hand.

"So good," Louis mumbles, kissing Harry's hand. Harry smiled at that opening his eyes and looking over at Louis.

"Okay, it's time to push," The doctor says. Harry just grunts in response, taking in a deep breath before pushing down. "There you go, nice and easy."

Tears stream down Harry's cheeks as he continues to push down. Louis holds his hand tightly, trying his hardest to control himself.

"Head is almost out, Harry," The doctor says. Harry continues to push until he feels something pop out of him. He stops pushing and throws his head back against the pillow.

"Take a quick break, love, you're doing swimmingly," The nurse says, patting Harry's knee. Harry just gives her a weary smile, trying to focus on the way Louis' hand feels holding his.

Louis reaches over and brushes a lose curl out of Harry's face. "It's time to push again, love," The doctor says. Harry throws his head back into the pillow, feeling another contraction come as he takes a deep breath and pushes down as hard as he can.

"She's almost here," The doctor assures. "Just keep pushing."

Harry pushes down as hard as he can, continuing the action until he hears a loud cry fill the room. He throws his head back into the pillow as he hears both Emma and Louis start to cry.

"Perfect," Louis sobs, pointing toward the baby girl. They cut the cord and wipe her off with a flannel rag before laying her on Harry's stomach.

"Oh, don't cry," Harry coos, feeling his own eyes fill with tears as he cradles Emma. "Shh. It's okay."

"What's her name?" The nurse asks, holding a clipboard and a pen.

"Emma," Louis tells her, and the sound of Louis saying her name makes Harry's heart swell.

"Middle name?"

"Anne," Harry decides. The nurse nods, smiling at them before walking away.

"Oh, Lou, look," Harry says quietly when Emma opens her eyes, pointing toward her face. "She has your eyes."

Louis smiles. "Lips," He says, pointing toward first Harry's and then Emma's. He leans his head onto Harry's shoulder, smiling down at the baby.

"Want to hold her?" Harry asks. Louis' eyes widen as he looks over at Harry.

"Can I?" He asks. Harry smiles and nods, reaching over and moving Louis' arms to the right position before slowly laying her into his arms.

"Just take deep breaths, okay love?" Harry says, keeping his hand firmly on the baby's bottom so Louis' hold is more steady.

Louis nods, taking deep breaths and making sure his movements are kept to a minimum. Harry is able to move his hand after a few moments, and Louis smiles with pride when he's holding her all by himself.

"Look at that," Harry whispers, smiling widely with tears in his eyes. "You're taking such good care of her already."

Louis smiles and leans down slowly, kissing Emma's forehead. "I love you," He whispers, and that's when Harry's unshed tears start to run down his cheeks.

That's Love, Bitch (Larry au) *mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now