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Harry knows he's in labour.

He can tell by the very small pains streaking across the bottom of his stomach. His stomach has also dropped quite a bit, but he refuses to worry until it's more severe.

"Hello, darling," Harry greets as he walks into the lounge where Louis is sitting on the sofa watching the telly. He has a few pillows on each side helping him sit up.

"Hi," Louis squeaks, watching as Harry lets out a huff of breath when he lowers himself down onto the couch. "Okay?"

"I'm fine," Harry assures, patting Louis' thigh. They stay silent for a while after that, watching Parks and Recreation. Harry giggles at something Ben says, feeling Emma kick like mad soon afterwards.

"Oi, Emma didn't like that laughing fit," Harry sighs, reaching over and grabbing Louis' hand. He puts Louis' hand on his stomach, letting him feel the movement. "She hasn't liked much of anything lately. She's moody—like her Daddy."

Louis sticks his tongue out before smiling when he feels a very strong kick against his palm. Harry looks at the time on his watch, sighing when he realises it's time to give Louis his meds. He's only upset because that means he'll have to get up by himself again.

"Ahh," Harry hisses, feeling a pain hit the bottom of his stomach. It's still not really bad, but it hurts. Louis practically whips his head toward Harry, his right leg kicking out at the noise.

"Okay?" Louis asks worriedly. Harry takes a few deep breaths before grabbing Louis' hand, gripping it tightly.

"I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to promise not to freak out," Louis nods. "Okay, so uh...I'm like eighty percent sure that I'm in labour—" Louis' eyes widen as makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat. "No, no, no, don't panic, okay? It's not bad so far. I'm just going to wait and when it gets really bad I'll call someone to drive us to the hospital, okay?"

Louis takes a deep breath and nods, moving his hand to Harry's back. "Okay now?" He asks. Harry smiles and nods.

"You hurting? Let me go get your meds," Harry says, starting to try and get up before feeling Louis pull him back down.

"No imp-or-tant," Louis says. Harry sighs and slouches down into the couch with a hand on his stomach.

"Ow. Fuck. She won't stop moving," Harry mutters, shifting so he's leaning more to the left. He leans into Louis' shoulder, making Louis smile. "I think she knows when you're there—she always kicks harder when I'm near you."

Louis smiles wider at that, turning his head and kissing the top of Harry's. He thinks back to when Harry told Louis he was pregnant, and how far Harry has gotten since then.

"Why is there baby food?" Louis asks, taking the small pot of mushy green stuff out of the grocery bag. Harry's heart pounds against his chest as he licks his lips.

"Might need it soon," Is all he mumbles, avoiding Louis' eyes. It's silent for a moment before he hears glass shattering. Harry whips his head around to find the baby food on the floor, large chunks of shattered glass around it. Louis is standing there with wide eyes, staring at Harry.

"I-are you...fuck," Louis puts his hand on his forehead. "Are you pregnant?" He finally splutters out. Harry nods shyly, making Louis break out into a smile.

"Oh my god," He says, hands starting to shake as he runs toward Harry, attacking him in a hug. "Oh my god, Harry! That's incredible! Shit, we're going to be parents. Holy fuck. That's amazing."

"Okay, I'm calling Liam," Harry makes a whining noise in the back of his throat as he grabs his mobile off the coffee table, knowing Liam is the most reliable out of their friends.

"Hand," Louis says, holding out his right hand (the functioning one) for Harry to hold. Harry smiles through the pain, taking Louis' hand and squeezing it.

He presses Liam's contact, only hearing two rings before he answers. "Hello?"

"Liam, I'm in labour," Harry pants, throwing his head back and leaning into the couch when he feels a contraction coming. "Can you come and pick up Louis and I? Please?"

"Shit, okay. I'll be over in a few, okay?" Liam rambles, and it makes Harry chuckle a bit.

"Thanks, Li," He pants before hanging up, letting out a whine when another pain hits. He didn't think it'd hurt this much.

"Do good," Louis says lowly, kissing Harry's cheek. "So proud."

Harry smiles through the pain, yelping when it gets stronger. "Shit," He mumbles, stopping when he sees Louis' eyes widen with worry. "No, it's okay. I'm okay. Just hurts a bit, okay?"

Louis nods, trying to calm Harry down by rubbing his stomach and kissing his cheek. Liam arrives a few minutes later, bursting into the house and sprinting toward Harry.

"Are you okay? How are you doing? Where's your overnight bag? Have you called your parents yet? Zayn and Perrie? Niall?" It's officially Liam's turn to be the panicking husband.

"I'm doing okay, it's upstairs next to the dresser, no I have not, no, and no," Harry furrows his eyebrows, leaning forward a bit. Liam nods, running toward the stairs and sprinting up. Harry turns to Louis and smiles, kissing his hand.

"We're gonna be meeting Emma real soon," He says softly, making Louis smile.

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